Flower Bouquet

When Your Hubby Gives You Flowers

What do you say?

“Hey, buddy, we're on a BUDGET now, don't ya know? Get with the program, will ya?”

No, you say, “Thank you honey, what a sweet thing to do.”

And then you wait for a few days to check the online banking to see how much they cost…

Flower Bouquet

Flower Bouquet

UPDATE: My flowers lasted for eight days. Mr. A explained that he called the flower place and said he wanted to spend about $35. The lady explained there was a $10 delivery charge. He was okay with that. By the time it was over and done with, she was charging $64 to our account. He felt sheepish by then, but went with it. He's a good guy, my Mr. A.

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3 thoughts on “When Your Hubby Gives You Flowers

  1. That’s sweet, his intention & attempt. Florists are sneaky.

    Next time you are grocery shopping, linger by the cut flowers. Make certain he sees them, and their PRICE. Cut flowers at the grocery store cost $10-20. No delivery fee.



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