It's a fact of life that most of us have to work to pay bills, the mortgage or rent, food and entertainment and everything else. Most of the time I can dull the pain which comes from having to turn my money over to everyone else, I've grown accustomed to it, but some things are more aggravating than others.
Here are the things I hate spending my money on. Some of them I've had to spend money on in the past and no longer have to now, and some of them I don't spend money on because I hate the idea of it so much. Others are simply necessary and I have no choice.
As you read through, think of the things YOU hate to spend your money on and please share in the comments. Here are mine:
- Electricity. I hate spending money on our electricity bill year round! The lowest it has been this winter has been $189.20 and the highest bill in 2011 during the summer was $458.25!! We don't have a lot of choice in the matter as there is only one electrical company out here, we live in the Arizona desert and our home is all electric. Someone is home twenty four hours a day, and sometimes throughout the night, and we rarely eat out so there is a lot of cooking done. I work from home one day a week for my “day” job, and am at the computer three days a week working on one thing or another. My husband manufacturers product that requires electricity and our youngest son works full time as a system administrator but is able to telecommute three days a week, so we go through a lot of electricity here.
- Cigarettes. Okay, this is not something we currently spend money on, but I do remember hating it years ago. My husband was a smoker for many years, from his teenage years until the year he turned 41. According to Quit Keeper v1.09 he has not smoked in 5 years and 3 months, that's 1918 days, 38,363 cigarettes, and $7097.22 saved.
- Supplements I can't use. I am more comfortable seeing a naturopathic physician as opposed to a regular medical doctor, but apparently NDs have a reputation for selling (pushing) supplements. The supplements are actually quite reasonable in price, and the ones recommended to me have only been about fifty cents more than Amazon pricing. The problem is I have been to the office three times and each time walked out with product I cannot tolerate because of one ingredient or another, amounting to just about $200 worth of supplements which I cannot use! I have vowed from now on that I will not buy another supplement until I research it on my own.
- Dentist. This is a necessary evil that I wish I never had to deal with ever again. I almost can't blame my boss for having all her teeth pulled in her thirties! She tells me now that she made a mistake, but she was so sick of having to go to the dentist that she insisted they pull all her teeth. Her regular dentist refused, so she went to a dentist that advertised in the paper with a good price to pull all your teeth and put in dentures. She tells me all her bottom teeth were beautiful with no cavities and she wishes she had at least kept the bottom teeth because there is nothing to hold the bottom denture in place. I was really bummed to recently learn that my only crowned tooth has a cavity at the base of the gum line. Something happened to the finish that is applied and that part of my tooth was exposed and now has a cavity that has to be fixed. I would also like to have my eleven amalgams removed, so there is a lot of dentistry in the future for me.
- Gasoline. My round trip commute is
I live100 milesfrom my job, and although I can get away with telecommuting one day a week, I am really needed in the office the other days. With the price of gasoline rising every day it is a little scary wondering how high it will go, especially since I've recently heard gasoline is up to $6 a gallon in Florida. - Junk Food. Since December 2009 I have not eaten white flour, white sugar, grains, anything with gluten, soda, potatoes, artificial colors, artificial flavors, food coloring… I know you're asking, “What can you eat?” Well, I stick to a real food diet that consists of meat, vegetables, healthy fats, fruit, nuts and honey. But my husband eats enough junk food for the both of us (and remains thin as a rail). I hate that any of our money is spent on nutrient empty foods. But I have to say I'm thrilled that he stopped smoking. 🙂
- Traffic tickets. I have only received one of these in my entire driving career. Knock on wood. But don't you feel stupid when you get a ticket? I know I did. I made a right hand turn on a red light coming off the freeway. It's legal on almost every highway in Maricopa County, except for a few odd ones here and there. But in the City of Mesa, it's the law at almost every freeway off ramp. There was a police officer three cars behind me and he drove into the gore area to pass around everyone dutifully waiting at the red light, to come after me. I had been driving that route twice a week for at least a year, but I had never noticed that it was not legal to make a right hand turn on a red! Now I am extra careful to watch for these traffic signs. I was able to attend traffic school which prevented any points from being placed on my license, which would have caused my auto insurance to go up. I still had to pay around $200 which cost more than the ticket would have!
- Late Fees. I especially hate paying late fees on credit cards! It's bad enough that I am paying interest on the balance owed. I have only been charged late fees a handful of times and luckily it has happened so infrequently that most of the time I am able to get the credit card holder to reverse the charges. It is embarrassing when that happens.
- Lottery Tickets/Gambling. I have never liked gambling, and playing the lottery feels the same to me. Sure you can buy a lottery ticket for as little as one dollar, but I don't even like throwing one dollar away. I know all it takes is one ticket to win the million dollars but the chances are so amazingly high that it's highly unlikely my ticket will be the one picked. I have friends who buy $50 in scratcher tickets every week and they love their little scratching hobby. But to me it's mostly a waste of money.
So far I've only come up with 9 things I hate to spend money on. Help me out with #10. What is the thing YOU most hate to spend your money on? Please share in the comments!
After you've left your comment, please hop over to my current giveaway here at Out of Debt Again. You can enter to win one free pass to Blogging Your Passion University Courses 101 and 201.
For me, the water bill is the one utility bill that always gets under my skin, mainly because the rates have been going up 10% a year.
I’ve gotten two tickets in my life, both for speeding, and within a year of getting the tickets, both stretches of road had their speed limit raised, which really got me. I got pulled over twice for illegal turns but in both cases was let off the hook.
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 2nd, 2012 at 8:39 pm
@Money Beagle, ugh, water bills are annoying. And they keep going up every year by 10%! That could get to be pretty expensive a few years down the road. Reminds me of when I moved into the trailer park we lived in years ago. The lady I bought my place from told me the rent goes up $3 – $4 every couple years! Well, of course the second year we lived there the owners sold the place to investors and they proceeded to raise the rent by $25/month every single year. As you might recall, I was on welfare during that time, living on quite a tight budget and many of my neighbors were elderly (who were very disgruntled that the 55+ park had been converted into a family park, we were one of the first family’s to move in and boy did they hate us there). Anyway, by the time I moved my lot rent was pushing $400! I felt really sorry for people who’d bought a brand new manufactured home and had a huge payment plus the ever increasing lot rent.
Also, your tickets on roads with speeds increased within a year. Yes, would very much annoy me. LOL. When I got my ticket I was incredulous because I fancied myself to be a very cautious and aware driver. Hah. Thanks for adding to the conversation!
I definitely agree with this list. I hate buying gas as well.
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 2nd, 2012 at 8:39 pm
@Michelle, this is why I let my husband do most of the gasoline purchasing. LOL. So I can pretend it’s not happening. AGH.
I hate spending my money on anything that isn’t really a choice (Ex. bills). My husband and I quit smoking three months ago. What a huge difference! Thank goodness we finally got that done.
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 2nd, 2012 at 8:40 pm
@Angie Nelson, good for you and your husband! That is a huge accomplishment, I know it is NOT easy to break that habit. Thanks for sharing your success with us!
The trick to avoiding paying a lot for your dentist is flossing. I used to get a cavity every other year or so, but since I started flossing, I haven’t had any issues since. Trust – floss.
I hate paying for cable. If my roommate didn’t watch so much TV, I’m 99% sure I would not pay for that particular service.
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 2nd, 2012 at 8:47 pm
@Tam Le, thanks for the tip. I am pretty good at flossing, but I will just have to try harder! Oh, I don’t like paying for cable, well we have satellite. But I don’t like paying for it either. I don’t watch much television at all. Maybe an hour a week, if that, but others in our family do. We can’t get any regular TV channels where we live so satellite is the option. Thank you for adding to the conversation!
10. Buying underwear.
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 2nd, 2012 at 8:48 pm
@Sharon K, okay, I need to know why you hate buying underwear so much. I cracked up over this one. Thank you for adding to the conversation!
toys…. my kids break them sooo fast!!!
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 2nd, 2012 at 8:54 pm
Hi @Eschelle, toys can definitely be expensive! Do you think the toys break more easily because they are cheaply made? Or are your children just extra rough on them? Thanks for adding to the conversation!
100 miles from your job?!! Holy cow!! I hate spending money on pretty much everything right now, but razors and batteries are two ridiculously expensive but unfortunately quite necessary expenses in my house. I think my husband is secretly a beast that must need to shave 5x/day…and my kids must be trading batteries for candy in the schoolyard. How else could we be out of them ALL.THE.TIME?
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 2nd, 2012 at 8:57 pm
@Michelle, OH! That was a typo. My round trip commute is 100 miles. I corrected that in my post. My husband says to tell you the razors wear out so quickly because they are making them so cheaply nowadays. He says when he invests in the expensive disposables he can only get 6-7 shaves before he’s nicking himself and with the cheap disposables only once or twice! I didn’t realize that. Also, I really think batteries used to last longer a couple decades ago. It’s kind of like using watered down detergent. It seems like a better deal but it’s so runny it won’t hardly suds up. Good luck keeping your house stocked with these items, and thanks for the chuckle. Thanks for adding to the conversation! 🙂
Just wondering…. How large of a home do you have, and is your electrical bill for 1 month or 2?
Our home is 1100 sq ft and our highest was about 739.00 for 2 months. This includes water and power. We also have a half acre. We live in so cal and not near the beach!
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 2nd, 2012 at 8:58 pm
Hi @nancy, hubby says our home is 1100 square feet. Those costs are for one month. We have a separate water bill and that is around $45/month. Thanks for stopping by!
I hate spending money on fruits and veggies that have no taste. I am waiting for spring/summer to show up so I can start on my garden.
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 2nd, 2012 at 9:00 pm
@Easy2Save, good one!! I have gardened quite a lot in the past but the gophers and rabbits and birds and round tailed squirrels and every other desert critter has just plumb wore me out. I now have one small gardening area in a bathtub. This prevents the gophers from burrowing up into the bottom of the bed, since the bathtub is solid on the bottom. So I have Swiss Chard and that is it at the moment. Our planting season is from September to about March because it is too hot during the summer months. Thanks for adding your #10!
I hate paying our sewer bill. We have separate water and sewer bills. We pay more for just our sewer bill than my parents who live about 4 miles away in the next town, than my parents pay for both water and sewer and we use less water than they do. It really bothers me. And our price goes up every single year. Better yet they take the money we pay on our sewer bill and use it to make bike paths and then tell the rate payers they don’t have enough money they need to increase the rates. I will stop my ranting now.
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 2nd, 2012 at 9:00 pm
@Shelly, that would annoy me too! Thankfully we don’t have sewage out here because we have our own septic system. Thanks for visiting!
Haircuts and clothing!
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 2nd, 2012 at 9:04 pm
@Amy, oh I really have a hard time paying for my haircut. For some twenty years I kept my hair long and only had my mom or husband trim the ends once awhile because my hair grows fast and it is costly keeping up a haircut. Well, last year I decided to get one of those cute A-line bob haircuts? And I have been fighting with myself ever since because I want to stop paying that money each month, but keep making appointments. Thanks for adding to the conversation!
I hate spending my money on….my landline telephone!! We hardly ever use it compared to our cell phones but I am always weird if there was an emergency what would happen.
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 2nd, 2012 at 9:05 pm
@Kelley @ Never a Dull Day in Poland, oh I have a landline too, and like you feel weird not having one in case something happens, like the cell phone satellites all get shot down out of the sky or something. Nervous laughter. 🙂 Good one, thanks for sharing!
#10 I hate paying for water for my yard. I’m always praying for rain. It just seems like such a waste to me.
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 2nd, 2012 at 9:07 pm
@Deedra, at the last place we lived we were required to water the yard. Where we live now, it would be impossible. Too much land, plus we haul all our own water from the community well. Everything does so much better with rain anyway. Good addition. Thanks!
my downfall are soda and candy
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 2nd, 2012 at 9:07 pm
@andrea, you and my husband. 🙂 Thanks for adding your number 10!
I hate spending money on car repairs. I know that I need them to be done so my car runs well and I don’t end up having a ton of damage costing me even more… but a couple weekends ago I got new brakes and tires and it cost me about $1000. I’d much rather have spent that money on something fun!
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 2nd, 2012 at 9:11 pm
@Katie, ohhhhhhh, very good one. Thankfully my husband is pretty handy with fixing vehicles, but sometimes we do take our vehicles into the shop. The really awful thing is when something bad happens and no one seems to know why. For example, the last time we took my vehicle into the shop for one thing they had it two weeks and when they finally were done and I drove it home it was making a weird clicking sound that it had never made before. I’ve been driving this vehicle ten years, so I should know how it sounds. Well, my husband checks the fluids and we find that the oil is 2 quarts low! I was so alarmed that I had the vehicle towed back to the shop, where they tried to blame us and say my car has an oil leak. Well, I park on cement at my job and there is no oil leaks at all. That was a big messy situation. But yes, I’d rather spend money on paying down my debt than auto repairs. But with all the driving I do, it is definitely a necessary evil. Thanks for adding to the conversation!
I hate bank charges that are far too high!
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 2nd, 2012 at 9:12 pm
@Jollyjillys, another great one! This also bugs me. Wells Fargo bank now puts me through this fun deal where I have to transfer $100 from checking to savings or they will charge me $11/month. It just seems silly to me. I guess they are hoping most people will not miss that $100 and leave it in savings. Unfortunately not the case for us right now. Thanks for sharing this one!
i agree with most of those on your list… i am so frugal. Good to find a friend!
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 2nd, 2012 at 9:13 pm
@D, thank you! Always nice to meet other frugal minded folks. Best regards, Mrs. Accountability
I hate to spend money on any fees that have to do with banking. ATM fees, teller fees, whatever, anything that I get charged extra to have access to/spend my OWN money irritates me.
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 2nd, 2012 at 9:14 pm
@Bryan at Pinch that Penny!, this one really annoys the living daylights out of my husband and he uses this reason that this is OUR money, not the banks, but they make us pay to have access. Very annoying, yes. 🙂 Thanks for your addition!
I hate spending money on those free trials that I get on the internet….. and then forget to cancel. I am doing better about just not signing up!
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 2nd, 2012 at 9:17 pm
@Michelle, oh I am right with you on this one. Years ago I used to be SO good at this! I would sign up for one of the deals where we would get free nights at a hotel and this is how my children and I would go on “vacation” once a year when I was on welfare for a time. But nowadays I can’t seem to remember and end up having to pay for at least a month when I sign up. Like you I’ve decided it’s better to not sign up. The last time this happened to me I tried to cancel on the weekend but the place was closed and it was too late on Monday, they said I had to live with it. Well, I called my credit card company and complained and they removed the charge. I also cancelled the card so that company couldn’t charge me again. I really did try to cancel, I was just a few hours late. Thanks for adding this one to the list!
Library fines. My husband jokes that I’m not ‘renting’ the books from the library, but borrowing them. Sigh.
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 2nd, 2012 at 9:18 pm
@Shelley, oh boy! I can totally relate! I had to stop myself from using the library because of this. When my kids were little we would go to the library every week and I was so good at keeping track but now it just seems I am too busy. It’s cheaper in the long run to just buy the book from Amazon! LOL! Thanks for sharing!
Cigarettes are my number on for sure. I’m in the process of quitting now. Electricity,satellite bill, and clothes.
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 2nd, 2012 at 9:19 pm
@Katie, congratulations! Another of my commenters said she and her husband had stopped smoking recently. I am happy for you. I was really happy when my husband stopped smoking. Thanks for adding to my list! Best regards, Mrs. Accountability
Telephone bills – a necessary evil but…
femmefrugality Reply:
March 10th, 2012 at 9:50 pm
@Corinne Rodrigues, Me, too. We have like $50 in taxes on there every month, too. It’s silliness.
Taxes, taxes, and more taxes. But gas comes in a close second.
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 10th, 2012 at 10:18 am
@Julie, my husband is very unhappy about the way our tax dollars are being spent, so we can relate. And gasoline is just ridiculous. Almost $4/gallon here now. Thanks for stopping by!
I think food that goes to waste. This year we had some really horrible oranges that no one would eat and some grapefruit that were nasty. I was able to use the peel to make some scented vinegar for cleaning but these items were meant for eating!! I also hate when some leftovers get pushed way to the back and forgotten.
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 10th, 2012 at 10:19 am
@Kerry, yes, this one gets me, too!! Thankfully we have chickens so I don’t feel too awful when food they can eat starts to go. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!
Taxes funding purposes I do not endorse or going to under-the-table commissions… you know, stuff like that…
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 10th, 2012 at 10:20 am
@Eleni, good one. Thanks for adding to my list!
I hate paying for taxes on food items.
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 10th, 2012 at 10:20 am
@Glenda Cates, when I lived in the city (Phoenix) there was no tax on food, but there was out in the rural area where we moved. Now Phoenix has tax on food, too. Everything’s going up! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!
I hate when you have to cancel a dr. app at the last minute due to an emergency or you’re totally too sick to move, and they charge you a cancellation fee.
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 10th, 2012 at 10:37 am
@life just saying, another good one that I hate as well! Although I have to say I recently had to cancel an appointment with my dentist at the last minute and they were very understanding. So not all practice this. I would think dentists of all people would charge a cancellation fee because so many people probably chicken out at the last minute. Thanks for adding to the conversation!
i’m not going to add any more things i hate spending money on, because i’ve not got much to add- but to each of you who quit, or has a spouse who quit- GO YOU!! my mom died directly related to her smoking, 1 year 1 month and 4 days into retirement. she spent that entire time of her retirement in bed, hooked up to an oxygen machine. my now 6 1/2 year old remembers the progression.
every moment you are not smoking adds years to your life. DONT GO BACK!
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 10th, 2012 at 10:37 am
@Brett, thanks for giving encouragement to the ex-smokers! They all deserve a big pat on the back! Thanks for stopping by!
I hate having to pay off our student loans. The payments seem to be never ending!
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 10th, 2012 at 10:38 am
@Kecia, ohhhhh, this would be a hard one. Sometimes we just gotta do what we gotta do. Good on you for being responsible and paying them back!
Trash service! There are no cheaper options than what we use and they don’t even offer recycling! We’d have to pay for that if we wanted it. Frustrating for me that even if we compost and save recyclables, we can’t get a break from our trash bill! Right now the only things I recycle are plastic bags b/c I can drop them off at the grocery store.
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 10th, 2012 at 10:40 am
@Anjanette, I can relate to this one, too. The only service in our area when we moved out here seemed very much like they didn’t care to be in business they were so hard to get along with. We decided to go with Waste Management and they are expensive! We don’t have curb recycling here either. We did when we lived in the city and it was so much easier to manage. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!
Diapers/Training pants! Why oh why won’t my 3 year old just use the potty?!?
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 10th, 2012 at 10:45 am
@Britni @ Our Eventual Homestead, it will happen. These things take time. If your little one exhibits signs of being ready, but can’t seem to get the hang of it, it could be diet related, and you might want to look into the Low Oxalate Diet. Just google bed wetting and oxalates. I know these products are expensive, so hang in there, and I hope the training happens soon! Thanks for adding to the list!
Real Estate Agents. I’m sure the system is different between countries but In Sweden all they seem to do is to open the door and let you in during an open house. “It’s hard to say” is the standard response to any type of question regarding price both for the seller or buyer. Then you have to pay them stacks of money for their ‘knowledge’.
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 10th, 2012 at 10:54 am
@Lou Lou, that sounds very frustrating! I’ve only worked with real estate agents three times in my life. The first lesson I learned was don’t go with them in THEIR car, especially if they smoke. This was in the 1980s and the guy was driving us around (me pregnant!) smoking up a storm. Thank you for sharing the item you hate to spend your hard earned money on!
I HATE paying late fees for library books!! It totally defeats the purpose of getting a book to read for free, plus I feel like an idiot when I forget to return something. Our library lets you renew on line if you need something longer, so they make it totally easy to avoid the late charge.
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 10th, 2012 at 10:55 am
@Erin @ My Mommy World, oh, I hate this one too. Good one. I finally had to stop using the library because it became cheaper to just buy the book used from Amazon! And we do have the option to renew online now but I’d already gotten out of the habit by the time that became an option. Thanks for adding to the list!
WOW… I can’t believe someone ASKED to get dentures… and so young! Crazy! Lots of health insurances offer total coverage for regular 6 month dental cleanings but you are of course paying for the insurance.
I think that is something I don’t like paying for… I know it protects us if anything crazy would happen but we typically only go to the dr. for the regular check ups…knock on wood.
I just sure would rather get the money we pay in premiums to put towards debt:)
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 10th, 2012 at 10:56 am
@Julie, yeah, she says she regrets it now but I thought it was pretty wild too. Thankfully my employer pays for my insurance and they pay a huge amount because there are so many employed that have health problems. Thanks for adding to the conversation!
I hate spending money on gas too! I live in the middle of nowhere, and it costs me roughly $200 a week to get my kids to school and back. I read somewhere that USA sells some product (can’t remember what it was..I think grain or tobacco) to the oil-producing nations for around $6 a bushel and we pay them over $100 a barrel for oil. I say let’s charge them over $100 for a bushel and break even!
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 10th, 2012 at 11:12 am
@Stephanie @ One Sleepy Mom, oh wow. $200 just to get the kids to school and back. Wow. That’s expensive! My husband says there are a lot of things our government should be doing… thanks for adding to the conversation!
I hate spending money on things for myself. When I shop I would rather buy for my kids or my husband.
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 10th, 2012 at 11:13 am
@Krystle, I have trouble spending money on myself, too! Good one! Thanks for stopping by!
Looks like you covered a lot of what I hate to spend money on. I hate spending money on rent. Silly huh? But I kinda think I pay too much and wish we were living somewhere cheaper.
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 10th, 2012 at 11:14 am
@Just Jaime, I never liked paying money on rent. I felt like the money was being wasted for if it was going toward a mortgage I would own the home one day. So yeah, I can definitely relate. At least when you are renting it is easier to move if you do find someplace cheaper. Thanks for stopping by!
College tuition is my number one, oh yeah, and student loans.
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 10th, 2012 at 11:15 am
@Johnnie, college tuition can be expensive depending on your college, that is for sure. And student loans have to get paid back. I applaud you for being responsible and continuing to pay for them. Thanks for leaving a comment!
I hate spending money on anything that doesn’t result in something I can keep, or something that doesn’t at least provide me with sustenance or entertainment value for a few hours. Most of the stuff on your list would be on mine. Okay, I get that electricity does power the cable and internet, which does provide me with entertainment and a means of living so I can paid said bill, but still, it hurts!
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 10th, 2012 at 11:17 am
@Nikki, our Internet bill is pretty high, but you are right, it does provide a way to make some extra money so it is worth it in the end. Thanks for sharing!
I hate spending money on junk food. Seems like such a waste of money and nutrition but still, I do it.
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 10th, 2012 at 11:19 am
@Tabitha (a.k.a. Penny), well you gotta stop it! It’s not too hard once you make up your mind to do it. 🙂 And you don’t have to deal with the guilt if you can give it up. I know you can do it! Thanks for adding to the conversation!
Bank fees. Definitely. And wasted food. There are so many things my kids won’t eat, and I can only eat so many leftovers myself. I try to cook smaller portions, but it’s hard with some things.
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 10th, 2012 at 11:19 am
@Amanda, bank fees are so aggravating. And the hoops they make you jump through to avoid them! Thanks for stopping by!
Always negotiate the late fees! Of course, it’s better not to get them in the first place but I’ve learned to always ask if the company will waive the fee and they almost always either reduce it or waive it altogether. I feel like a dunce asking but it’s worth it.
And there are dentists out there who will pull out healthy teeth? I’m appalled. How incredibly unethical!
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 10th, 2012 at 11:21 am
@Sarah @ Ropeknits, that’s what I thought!! And my boss was actually pregnant at the time, but didn’t know it! I hope there are no dentists out there like this currently, I agree with you, it is unethical! Thanks for adding to the conversation!
Like you, I hate paying late fees. With that one, there is no one to blame but myself. And it’s infuriating to know that I caused myself to spend more money that I needed to, just because of a careless mistake.
-Viva recently posted Homemade Pizza Dough
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 10th, 2012 at 11:23 am
@Daily Citron, yes, that is exactly how I feel. Infuriated for making a careless mistake. I am pretty hard on myself. Funny though when I find out they will refund the late fees I don’t feel quite so bad anymore. 🙂 Thanks for visiting!
Mine is phone bills. But it’s necessity. how I wish I purchased the cheaper plan
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 10th, 2012 at 11:24 am
@Yannie, hopefully your contract ends soon and you can get the cheaper plan! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!
I hate spending too much on foods at the restaurant.
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 10th, 2012 at 11:25 am
@Marian, yes, I hate this too. And they rarely serve enough meat. They like to dish up the carbohydrates to bloat us up though. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!
I hated paying my student loan payment BUT we kicked it to the curb 2+ years ago. Now I hate to pay large cell phone bills!
nancy Reply:
March 4th, 2012 at 7:46 pm
My Vrzon cell bill is over 160.00 I HATE this bill so much!!
Do any of you know if Boost mobile uses Vrzon towers..or any other non contract co?
We must have Vrzon, as we travel to the mid west where it is only the big Red in areas. Thanks!! 🙂
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 10th, 2012 at 11:37 am
@nancy, I don’t know anything about Boost. My husband has Verizon and it is very expensive in comparison to what he used to pay at T-mobile. I’m trying to get him to cancel, but their cancellation fees are more expensive too! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 10th, 2012 at 11:29 am
@Mary @ The Mommy Job, kudos to you for getting your student loan paid off!! My husband has Verizon and his phone bill is more than twice what it was when he was with T-Mobile, so yeah, hating on that huge cell phone bill here too. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!
I hate dollars flying out my account for taxes toward bailouts for the corporations who broke our economy!
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 10th, 2012 at 11:30 am
@Sylver Blaque, very frustrating indeed! Thanks for adding to my list!
I agree with your list and another is I dont like having to buy lightglobes so often. I think they dont make these to last as long as they used too, and I am not thrilled with the new fluorescent ones, they are definitely do not give off as much light, cost more, and are a funny shape. On your husbands razors, have him try using an oil to shave with, like a dot of olive oil as it gives a great shave and extends the wear of the razor.
Now that we met come follow me…… on my….. GFC….Oh! My Heartsie
@Oh! My Heartsie
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 10th, 2012 at 11:33 am
@Karren, we don’t like the new fluorescent bulbs either. They are terribly expensive, and I’ve read that they don’t last as long as they are purported to. That’s a great tip on the olive oil, I will tell my husband. It makes sense that using some oil would help to extend the life of the razor. Thanks for adding to the list!
Oh my word, I hate spending $30/month for my allergy medicine co-pay…but I tried the generic for 2 years and it just didn’t cut it. I put the $30/month into a flex spending account to help offset the cost a bit, but it just kills me that my co-pay is so expensive and there’s nothing I can do about it (they have a patent and actually don’t have an exact generic–I tried another medicine’s generic that was just so-so). Come on greedy drug peeps!
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 10th, 2012 at 11:33 am
@Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom, I have heard that so many times that the generics just don’t work. What is the point of having a generic? Sugar pill effect, anyone? Thanks for stopping by!
I don’t like spending money on fancy coffee drinks…although I love them!! We are trying to pay off some debt, so I am drinking coffee at home and trying not to get them when I am out and about.
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 10th, 2012 at 11:35 am
@Emily, you know there are some pretty good recipes out there for making the fancy coffee drinks and I hear they taste just as good, maybe even better! Thanks for adding to my list!
I object to spending money on anything I can make myself! Especially stuff for my kids – over-priced pencil cases for example that cost $30 with their names on – that I can make for nothing from an old pair of jeans and some fabric scraps. Fortunately my kids are happy with me making them things and don’t have to have the brand names!
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 10th, 2012 at 11:36 am
@Jill, pencil cases for $30! Wowsers! Good for you at being thrifty and creative, and I’m glad your kiddos love the stuff you make for them. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!
Suppliments have totally saved our kids, but we too have a HUGE stash of paid for and opened pills that make me cringe!
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 10th, 2012 at 11:38 am
@Lisa, there should be some kind of bartering system for unused vitamins and pills. I’m glad you have found the right supplements for your children, but totally know how frustrating it can be in the testing stages. Thanks for adding to my list!
Definetly my phone bill. It’s a house phone tat only telemarketers call, and the only reason we need it is to have our Internet. $90 a month!
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 10th, 2012 at 11:39 am
@Jeanette, OUCH!! That’s a lot of money for a land line. I hope you have really great Internet service for that price! Thanks for stopping by and adding to my list!
I so agree with your list! You know with late fees, I was thinking about library books, and while my fees are only ever around 1 euro (less than a dollar) it bothers me!!
Dentist – I’m insured over the hill because there is always something wrong with my teeth. My husband never has a problem so he’s not insured (or hardly). I’m waiting for the Big Surprise where we have to pay a lot anyway (health insurance isn’t what it used to be).
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 10th, 2012 at 11:40 am
@Judith, another like minded person. 🙂 My husband also has no insurance. He actually just pulled one of his molars a few weeks ago because he has vowed he will never go to the dentist ever again so there’s little point in keeping him insured. Thanks for stopping by!
I agree with almost every comment I just read. I do believe my worst money spending petpeve is for the price of gas though. There is no excuse for the price we pay at the pumps, except GREED!! I wont say any more. Don’t want to get me up on a soap box. Great site. Have a beautiful day.
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 10th, 2012 at 11:43 am
@Laurie, me, too! Great contributions to my list, and I agree with you that gasoline prices are horrific. Thanks for stopping by!
Gas is the worst! It keeps just going up and up!
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 10th, 2012 at 11:43 am
@Shannon Schulte, totally in agreement! If I lived in the city I would definitely be taking public transit. I’m kind of stuck though living in a rural area. Thanks for stopping by!
We recently got a new car. And by “new”, I mean a 2007. It’s my commuter vehicle, and I’vbe gone from getting about 27 MPG in a 1998 Contour to 35 MPG in a 2007 Elantra. I commute 70 miles per day, so that’s a savings of more than $500 over the course of a year (assuming $3.50 per gallon)
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 10th, 2012 at 11:45 am
@Kosmo @ The Soap Boxers, awesome! Wow, 35mpg is great. My Pathfinder is still down (since it caught fire in October… wish I had some money set aside to buy something different with better gas mileage. I was getting 18-19mpg. 35 is almost double that.
Kosmo Reply:
March 11th, 2012 at 7:06 pm
@Mrs. Accountability, It would be even more noticeable in your situation. You have a commute of 100 miles per day round trip and commute roughly 17 days per month. That’s roughly 1700 commuting miles per month. With a 19 MPG vehicle, that’s 89.5 gallons of gas per month. With a 35 MPG vehicle, that’s 48.5 gallons.
Let’s assume an average gas price of $3.75 over the nest year. 41 fewer gallons per month X $3.75 = $153.75.
Another way to look at this … if you’re contemplating purchasing a 35 MPG vehicle and the car payment is $300/month, the gas savings would pay for half the payment. (Naturally, this does assume that you don’t need the features of the larger vehicle).
I’m guessing that the next cost of the car (what we paid minus what we’ll sell it for) will be about $6000, and that we’ll get 5 years (maybe more) out of the car (which would put it at 150Kish miles), which basically means that monthly payment would be $100/month. (We don’t actually have a car payment). So the gas savings in stepping up from the Contour basically pays for 40% of the car payment, and there’s also the expectation that maintenance costs will be less for the newer car (since the Contour had 80K more miles than the Elantra).
Eating Out! If I could curb that habit we’d have TONS of extra money…why is it so hard to stop when I really REALLY want to.
Around My Family Table
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 10th, 2012 at 11:46 am
@Wendy, it really helped us when we moved to a rural area that had only one fast food joint. 😉 Of course now there are dozens, but it helped to get over the initial hump. Thanks for adding to my list!
I hate spending money on medical insurance. Seems that they charge more every year,and cover much less. I not only have to pay the insurance bill, but the deductibles are so high that generally, we pay for every doctor visit too!
Thanks for the great post! Very informative!
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 10th, 2012 at 11:47 am
@Suzy Myers, I agree with you. Insurance is sure expensive. I’m lucky that my employer pays for mine, but of course I pay for co-pays, and when I see my naturopathic doctor it’s out of my pocket since my insurance won’t pay for it. Thanks for stopping by!
This is a terrific post.
I had spending money most on is the dentist as well. My husband’s grandfather calls it getting robbed without a gun 🙂
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 10th, 2012 at 11:48 am
@Making Our Life Matter, LOL! I agree with your grandfather! I sometimes ask myself how do I willingly sit there and let them drill into my teeth and then pay them for that torture? 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!
How about Social security taxes, when there is no guarentee I’ll see the benefit of that money!
That and toilet paper…Just flushing that $ down the toilet!
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 10th, 2012 at 11:50 am
@Maura, I’m actually okay paying for Social Security because I have family members getting their retirement and some that are disabled. So I am okay because I feel like I am, in a way, getting some benefit, or at least someone I know does. I have doubts that I will ever see any of it either. Toilet paper is another one that can be annoying. But I’m not quite ready to make the move to “family cloth”.
Okay, I was in a craft store yesterday, and oh my, if I had an endless supply of money… So, I guess I dislike the fact that I need to spend money to do things I would enjoy doing! It’s inevitable, I know. But that thought just came to me, so I thought I’d use it. 😉
Good job on sticking to a healthy diet, and good job to your husband on quitting smoking!
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 10th, 2012 at 11:51 am
@Becca@CreatingFamilyConnections, it is frustrating that hobbies can cause us to spend money, but I say as long as you are getting enjoyment, it’s okay. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!
I hate spending money on myself and fast food.
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 10th, 2012 at 11:51 am
@Dianna @ practicing frugal, you and me both!! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!
I hate spending money on our satellite TV! Because we are hooked and it’s terrible for us. But I’m in a two year contract, so it would cost me too much to cancel it right now. 🙁
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 10th, 2012 at 11:52 am
@Krissy @ B.Inspired Mama, so do you think you will cancel when two years are up? Maybe go with Netflix? Thanks for stopping by!
I hate spending money on toilet paper. It is (LITERALLY) money flushed right down the toilet!
Thanks for sharing your list… the junk food one smacked me in the face! We could definitely tone down our spending on that one.
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 10th, 2012 at 11:54 am
@Carrie, I imagine we could save quite a bit of money if some people around here would stop eating junk food. 😉 Have you ever heard of family cloth? One of my blogging friends uses it, but I don’t know if I’m ready for that yet. 🙂
Library late fess. But sometimes I just cannot make it to the library on time.
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 10th, 2012 at 11:57 am
@Layne, me too. That was my problem, not being able to get there before my books were wracking up fines. Or worse yet, LOSING the books! That was even more annoying! Oh you just reminded me. When my children were little every once in awhile a book would get a small bit of damage and whenever I would dutifully tell the librarian about it they would make me pay for the book! I asked if they couldn’t tape it, but they said it wouldn’t be good enough. So you know I ended up taping or fixing any little bit of damage if it happened and they were none the wiser. I guess that’s not very honest, but we were really poor back then and I was a stay at home mother, we went to the library a LOT back then and I was very good at returning books on time. In the last few years though, since going back to work and living so far away from the library it just got so much harder to get the books in on time. So yes, I can relate! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!
My first thought was traffic tickets. I too have only had one. Though today I thought I was going to get another; turns out the cop was just checking to make sure everything was okay since I was pulled off the road. How nice of him.
Another thing I don’t like spending money on is my water bill. It literally just goes down the drain. And, to top it off, our garbage and sewer bill is on there too. So even if the water is used to water the garden, they count it as going down the drain and charge me for it.
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 10th, 2012 at 11:59 am
@See You In the Garden, oh wow. My heart would have been pounding. Does that happen to you? Frustrating about your water bill. We have to haul our own water and it’s still pretty expensive from the place we have to purchase it from. Drilling our own well would cost in the tens of thousands, so I have to be grateful that we do have this option. Thanks for visiting and commenting!
I hate spending money on parking.
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 10th, 2012 at 12:00 pm
@Jamie, I rarely go anyplace that I have to spend money to park, but it is annoying when I do because most places need cash for the meter, which I don’t have on me sometimes. Thanks for adding to my list!
I completely agree about the gasoline prices. It’s getting ridiculous.
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 10th, 2012 at 12:01 pm
@Carrie, and more so every day, it seems. It’s scary!! I don’t know how people are going to continue at this rate. Thank you for stopping by and commenting!
I love this list. And I read where you said in response to a comment that you let your husband buy the gas, so you can pretend it’s not happening. Too cute! I would like to add INSURANCE to your list! I wouldn’t mind so much if it actually felt like it was insurance and on my side when it came time to use it. They are great at taking money and taking money….but not so great at giving any of it back. Cute post!!
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 10th, 2012 at 12:01 pm
@Jamie, thanks! And thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment! 🙂
I love the list… true!
$50/week in lottery tickets is an expensive habit….I think $5/week is a bit more reasonable 🙂
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 10th, 2012 at 12:02 pm
@Taline, I agree, $50 in lottery tickets is outrageous! Must be nice to have that kind of money to throw around. I would be more like you, if I did play the lottery I’d spend no more than $5 and that would still hurt. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!
I dislike spending money on things like toilet paper and paper towels. We need them, I know but they aren’t very fun ways to spend my money!
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 10th, 2012 at 12:03 pm
@Mariah, a couple of others have mentioned their hatred for toilet paper, and I thought I’d mention “family cloth” in case it’s an option for you: (I’m not quite ready for it myself, lol). Thanks for stopping by and commenting!
My first reaction is my husband’s dirt bike! It’s probably because I see the thing as a money pit (it has constant maintenance on top of a payment…). He loves it though.
Really, though, I think my biggest hate is all the debt we’re in. I hate that so much of our check goes into paying for our cars, the dirt bike and the credit card.
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 10th, 2012 at 12:05 pm
@Jacqui Gonzales, ohhhhhh, some of my nephews ride dirt bikes and they are also always getting some kind of physical damage to their bodies, so that can be an expensive hobby. Hopefully your husband is a safe rider. I hate our debt too. Thanks for adding to my list!
Definitely the electric bill! We use less and less, but the bill still continues to go up!
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 10th, 2012 at 12:05 pm
@April H, I have noticed that happens sometimes with us too. My husband always says, “They raised the rates again, didn’t they?!” Frustrating! Thanks for stopping by!
I hate spending money on the crummy food that my son eats. He has a food phobia and until his phobia improves, I have to feed him the only foods he will eat.
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 10th, 2012 at 12:06 pm
@Jessica, The Debt Princess, that is a bummer, especially if they are expensive! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!
I hate spending money period. I especially hate spending it on electricity and gasoline, necessary evils, I guess.But my biggest pet peeve is spending it on interest because of all of our debt from the lean years. I curse the two credit cards we have and myself for buying groceries with them. I’m probably still paying back money for baby products and my kids are in high school and jr high. UGH!
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 10th, 2012 at 12:07 pm
@marye~, I can definitely relate to the interest on credit card debt when it was spent out of sheer necessity. I hope you are able to get it paid off soon! Best to you and thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment!
I don’t like spending money on late fees either. It’s completely my fault, I know, but it makes me feel like a failure.
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 10th, 2012 at 12:08 pm
@Melanie, yes, I totally get that feeling too. I hope you do try and ask them to reverse the fees. They will sometimes and it’s worth trying. I always figure, it can’t hurt to ask. What’s the worst they can do? Say no? Thanks for stopping by!
I hate spending money on the same thing I already have but cannot find at home. Then I find that item and have two or more of it 😉 We do that a lot with our homeschool materials. I need to be more organized for sure!
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 10th, 2012 at 12:09 pm
@LaVonne, oh this is a GREAT one! I lose stuff all the time and I keep telling myself stop keeping anything because I’ll never find it. My husband is a terrible packrat and he spends more time looking for things then actually getting the task completed. I know the feeling. That’s one thing I love about computers. Hard to lose stuff, unless you have something go terribly wrong. Thanks for stopping by!
I hate spending money on items that are mine. When changing pediatrician offices, our former office charged $15 per child to get our records. Did I really need to spend $45 for records that should be included in payment for the office visits.
Kosmo Reply:
March 10th, 2012 at 6:33 am
@Tracy @, Yikes. I’ve never been charged to get records sent to a new doctor.
Tracy Reply:
March 11th, 2012 at 1:18 pm
@Kosmo @ The Soap Boxers, @Kosmo @ The Soap Boxers: This was a first for me as well! I hope it was the last, but not so sure with the way businesses nickel and dime customers.
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 10th, 2012 at 12:10 pm
@Tracy @, now that IS frustrating! I guess they figure they have to charge for someone’s time to make copies? You would think they were all digital by now and could just copy it to a thumbdrive. Thanks for stopping and leaving me a comment!
Tracy Reply:
March 11th, 2012 at 1:16 pm
@Mrs. Accountability, First, you’re welcome for the comment.
Second, the files WERE digital. It took a matter of 3 minutes for them to slide the folder to burn a CD. I did get 3 CDs since they would not put all three children on one disk. I can understand with the HIPPA laws, but the $15 charge per child was infuriating!
I HATE paying for gasoline! When I lived in California, I worked 86 miles from my house, and had to fill up THREE TIMES every week (as long as I didn’t drive anywhere else). It was horrible. 🙁
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 10th, 2012 at 12:11 pm
@Stacie, oh wow! That’s really awful!! I have to fill up once a week, but three times. That would really be expensive. It sounds like you have moved from there so I hope you pay a lot less for gasoline now. Thanks for stopping and leaving a comment!
I hate spending money on electricity – we ended up with a $700 bill one time in a rental house due to bad insulation and the AC/Heating unit not being up-to-date aka never shutting off unless we manually turned it off. It’s hard to get back on your feet after things like that. Wonderful post!
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 10th, 2012 at 12:12 pm
@clarissa, ouch! That is really terribly high for electricity! Thanks for visiting and commenting!
Food that goes to waste, like leftovers or produce that goes bad before consumption! I never know how much to get. When we have leftovers, I try to cut back a little, but then we run out and I have to spend more time and money running to the store. I wish I knew the “magical” amount! 🙂
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 10th, 2012 at 12:14 pm
@Carolynn, I hate it when food goes bad too. We have chickens so that lessens the pain just a little bit, but I feel so foolish for letting stuff go bad. Even though we have chickens, I still like to put the leftovers up in case we will eat them. But once they go bad I’m okay to finally give them to the chickens. Hmmmm… maybe I should try to let the chickens have the leftovers when they are fresher… I hear you on needing to know that magical amount, too! Thanks for stopping by!
LATE FEES!!! oh those darn late fees. I’ve got a balance going on at the library right now, lol.
Food. I really do hate spending money on food, but obviously we have to eat it.
OH and cleaners. I use as little chemical cleaners as possible, and NEVER buy any. I dins most things can be cleaned with hot soapy water.
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 10th, 2012 at 12:15 pm
@Adelina Priddis, lol, another late fee hater. 🙂 I am like you and avoid chemical cleaners, too. Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment!
I hate spending money on toilet paper. Kinda hard to do without, though, LOL!
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 10th, 2012 at 12:16 pm
@Dawn Storey, lol, another TP hater. Have you ever thought about using “family cloth” ? (I’m not quite there either, lol). Thanks for stopping by!
Dawn Storey Reply:
March 10th, 2012 at 1:28 pm
@Mrs. Accountability, I definitely don’t think I’m there yet, LOL!
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 10th, 2012 at 1:36 pm
@Dawn Storey, LOL. My friend, Mrs. Money at Ultimate Money Blog, she is one that uses family cloth. We talked about it and I realized it’s not really that bad of an idea. It’s no worse than when we laugh real hard and wee our pants, lol. Still, the idea of it. When I told my husband he got freaked out at the thought. LOL. But like I said, I’m not ready to go to that extent yet. Maybe if the prices of gasoline keep rising I’ll be forced to. LOL
Insurance of any kind! IT’s been VERY rare that we’ve ever used it and when we do need it, apparently our insurance doesn’t cover THAT kind of problem. I hate paying for insurance! It adds up to quite a lot of money that we never see put to a good use. /sigh.
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 10th, 2012 at 12:18 pm
@Amber–JadeLouise Designs, I know, insurance is a conundrum. It’s that fear of the “what ifs”, the catastrophic events that keeps us towing the line and paying for insurance. Thanks for leaving a comment!
Sooo true! I would say medical insurance. ick
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 10th, 2012 at 12:19 pm
@Tiffany, lots of people don’t like to pay for insurance of any kind. It’s too bad we can’t just do without it. My husband refuses to have insurance but I’m a little nervous about it for myself. Thankfully my job foots the bill for mine. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!
Oh the junk food comment is hilarious because that’s exactly like my husband and I-he is stick thin and eats all the crap in the world but I can eat so healthy and still gain weight! Where’s the justice?! I totally agree with your whole list (except I don’t spend on cigarettes or lotto/gambling tickets-thank goodness). I hate spending money at an ATM that’s not my banks because one store won’t take anything but cash and I never have cash so I’m out an extra $2.75 for using the ATM. I also hate spending money on clothes only to find out at home that there was a defect to it but the store policy was no returns or exchanges-what a scam!
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 10th, 2012 at 12:21 pm
@Kathy (Kangaroo Mama), all I can say, and I’m not trying to be mean, but I just hope my husband doesn’t get some kind of illness from eating so poorly and as it turns out all my work to be in good health turns out to be that I’m the nursemaid for the rest of his life. LOL. That would be my luck. But he is probably one of those people that can eat the way he does and be healthy forever. OH, good one on the ATM fees. And the no return policy annoys me too! We get so used to being able to return stuff easily at Target or Walmart it’s almost a shock when we find a store won’t accept a defective item back. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!
You kinda said this already but I hate paying full price so I comparison shop at all the store around me.
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 10th, 2012 at 12:22 pm
@Clarinda, great minds think alike! 🙂 Thanks for stopping by and commenting!
I agree about the hydro bills! Ours wouldn’t be so bad if it weren’t for the fact that we’re billed bi-monthly – so hydro usage for 2 months at a time. I’d rather pay 1/2 that amount once a month (I know… it’s a mental thing)
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 10th, 2012 at 12:23 pm
@Julie @ Freedom 48, well if you are like most of us you get paid once or twice a month and it’s hard sometimes to hold onto that money for an entire month. Will they not allow you to make an additional payment on the off months? I’d ask about that. Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment!
going out to eat when all it is, is bad food at restaurant chains anyways…..waste ful lol
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 10th, 2012 at 12:24 pm
@Sarah, yes, I agree with you. I always feel annoyed with myself when I eat out which is very rarely, but still it is annoying. Thanks for visiting and commenting!
I hate spending money on bills – it doesnt matter what bill. i think we should get a yearly pass on each one lol!
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
March 10th, 2012 at 12:24 pm
@jenivieve, lol, I don’t see this ever happening, but it would sure be nice if we could find a way to make it happen. 🙂 Thanks for visiting and commenting!
Paying for parking or toll !!!!!!!
I hate spending money on disposable yet necessary things like tampons, pads, toilet paper,… So, I bought a Diva cup and so far, I LOOOOVE it!!! Thank You for your guest post at Blogelina (It will be of great help to get me back on track) 🙂
Isabelle Goyer recently posted..The Courage to Let Go… & to Live and Let Live!
Hate spending money on bin charges specially when we get hit for so many other taxes and charges from our local council etc. Seems like a double whammy of a payment – so unfair!!
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