Category Archives: electricity

5 Tips To Save On Your Upcoming Heating Costs

Heating costs are expensive, especially in the colder climates as furnaces and boilers run more and more. Homeowners need to be diligent in making sure that their homes are properly winterized. This means that you should check windows and doors for drafts inspect the insulation and have the entire unit serviced. Schedule the HVAC Unit for Service It is important to have the HVAC unit serviced. This will act as a gauge of how well the system is performing. The… Read the rest

Utility Bill Payment on a Budget Plan – Calculate Your Own

Most utility companies have budget plans in place for those of us who would like to pay the same amount each month, year round.  For my entire adult life I've allowed the utility company to manage this for me using their budget payment plan, but a couple of years ago we were switched to a different company out in the rural area where we live and I decided to start managing this myself. In fact, I believe it was a… Read the rest
Electricity Usage Screenshot

Are You Paying Too Much For Your Electricity?

If your electricity company has a special rate for saving money on your electricity, you should look into it. In Arizona we have two major electric service providers, Arizona Public Service and Salt River Project. We have APS and are on the Time Advantage Rate (this plan is no longer available for APS customers unless you are already using it). On the Time Advantage Rate our “on-peak” hours are between 9am and 9pm.   There's no way we can shut down… Read the rest

Saving Money on Energy

Over the weekend I did a thorough cleaning on Big A's room.  Wow, if these bursts of energy remain consistent I'll be convinced to do the GAPS diet for the rest of my life! After all, it's just eating good healthy, real, natural, traditional foods. And I'm not even doing organic foods! Big A's room has been warmer than it should be, and Mr. A thought he might need to move the air conditioning vent to a different position in… Read the rest