I was tagged by Mrs. Money over at Ultimate Money Blog to take part in the “7 Links Project“. This project highlights 7 of my past posts that directly relate to the following 7 questions, sort of a “blast from the past” type project. Trip Base initiated this project with the intention of uniting bloggers and bringing to light old posts that may have not gotten as much attention due to the blog’s infancy at the time of posting. Without further adieu, I’ll address each of the 7 categories below.
Your most popular post – It always cracks me up to think my most popular post getting the most visitors is my post about Fels Naptha Where To Buy It. Yes, the soap.
A post whose success surprised you – My post about L. Frances Caramels completely surprised me. I had no idea how popular these caramels would be, I've gotten 81 comments over the last four years and folks continue to leave comments every so often.
The post that you are most proud of – I have to say the post of which I'm most proud is my post The Benefits of Regaining Health – I Don't Have to Take Prescription Medication. It is not the easiest thing to completely change the way you eat, and to avoid eating processed foods in our society. Everyone thinks you're weird if you don't eat grains and sugar and pasta. They wonder, “What can you eat then?” There is a lot to eat, it's wholesome, nutritious and real! I decided to try the GAPS Diet back in December 2009 and I am so glad that I did. I'm proud to share that I was able to get off my asthma medication which I'd been on for eight years!
Your most beautiful post – I think my most beautiful post is Working with Old Photos, My Mom's Christmas Gift. It is beautiful to me because it made my mom so happy. She loved this present so much and was so thrilled to receive the photos nicely framed.
Your most helpful post – I think my most helpful post was Tips for Using Home Air Conditioning in Arizona. It's important to know these tips if you want to keep your air conditioner running for its complete life span. It would be a terrible shame to ruin such an expensive appliance just because you didn't know to change the filters at least once a month (and sometimes in our dusty climate every couple weeks!)
Your most controversial Post – People don't like it when you say something negative about Costco. I learned that when I wrote my post One of Costco's Policies That I Don't Like. I finally had to close the comments because it continued to receive inflammatory comments about what a jerk I was to say anything bad about Costco. I started out by saying how much I do like Costco's return policies, and this was one that I didn't think was fair, and wow, people didn't like that.
A post that didn’t get the attention it deserved – I've always thought my post for Making Your Own Personalized Candy Favors for Weddings or Showers should have gotten more attention. It is a great tutorial where I even included a downloadable PDF with instructions, a Photoshop template and shared photos to take a person step by step through the process. These personalized miniature candy bars are expensive when purchased but so easy to do and such a lovely touch to the event.
As part of the 7 Links Project, I nominate the following bloggers:
I just read your post: Benefits of Regaining Health – I Don’t Have To Take Any Prescription Medication! Have to say, truly a fantastic post and very helpful. I believe our diets play a major part in how healthy we are at any given moment.
Mrs. Accountability Reply:
October 16th, 2011 at 5:00 pm
@Moneycone, hey thanks for the nice comment. I am so grateful that I gave GAPS a chance to work for me, for years I was reluctant to cut anything out of my diet. I’m glad I made the change. Thanks again! Mrs. A