April Fool’s Day Joke Post 2013

Just in case you were wondering, the dental floss tutorial was an April Fool's Day joke.  If you missed it, be sure to have a read.  I think you'll enjoy it. 🙂

I had the idea to put together this post several years ago, but I always forgot… until this year.  I have laughed so much in the last few days putting this silly post together.

Thanks to all my blogging friends who promoted the post for me and brought lots of traffic.  🙂

I would love to hear your comments and thoughts on the post, and I would love for you to send it to your friends and family.

Here are some other 2013 April Fool's Day jokes:

Techcrunch April Fool's Day 2013

April Fools’ Day 2013: The 10 Best Pranks From Around The Web

Have a great day!

Mrs. Accountability

Floss Recycling Technique

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