We had a reprieve from the heat over the weekend, but now the summer is upon us. We have experimented with the thermostat and it seems we can tolerate 81°F during the day but no higher.
Here are a few numbers for comparison; we are consistently using less kilowatt hours, so there is improvement in that regard.
February 2007 1553kwh $143.51
February 2008 1494kwh $160.29
March 2007 2041kwh $191.88
March 2008 1927kwh $212.06
April 2007 2831kwh $260.10
April 2008 2401kwh $250.64
May 2007 3087kwh $322.49
May 2008 2586kwh $309.76
Our usage for June 2007 was 3410. This next cycle will be the real test of whether the programmable thermometer is helping to lower our electricity bill. Sweating throughout the day, one would hope we can make a dent.
Also over the weekend, I used my Kill-A-Watt Electricity Usage Monitor to see how much it costs to run my desk fan. Unfortunately, it was a failed experiment, as I was unable to calculate the usage because I pulled the monitor out of the plug so I could see it, (duh) and it lost its settings. I will try to test again this coming weekend.