Category Archives: Monthly Reports

January 2010 Monthly Report

Okay, we were under budget on a lot of items.  I always like seeing that gasoline amount come in under budget, and no major car repairs. We went over budget on Beauty/Sundries by $9.96. The main item to push me over in this category is the purchase of the Shikai lotion which I totally love. I have been trying to find a natural lotion that didn’t contain parabens and I found this one at Amazon, at a discounted price, four… Read the rest

Credit Card Report January 2010

I never got around to reporting in December on our credit card debt. In November the total was $23,775.36 and at the end of January it was $23,645.68.  It has gone down $129.68 in two months. Yet again, while I wish it was going down faster, at least it is going down and not rising! Monday was very productive. I swear I’ve had ADD lately for the horrible time I’ve had concentrating. I entered all of the receipts from the… Read the rest

December 2009 Monthly Report

I am so late getting my December monthly report done, but here it is, finally! If I’m lucky, I’ll have the January report next week sometime. In the black by $185.50. Gas was very low this month, not really sure why.  It makes me a little nervous because all gasoline is charged to debit cards, and I download all the transactions from the bank so how could some be missing? There is no way, so we must have used quite… Read the rest

Credit Card Report November 2009

I reported in October that our credit card debt was at $23,847.48.   After finance charges and payments, at the end of November, our credit card debt is at $23,775.36. It has gone down $72.36. I am very pleased to report we did not use our personal credit cards in November. No wait, that’s a half truth. I did use my Discover card so I could get an extra $10 off on a purchase at Amazon, but I have already paid… Read the rest