Welcome to Blast from the Past, a monthly series here at Out of Debt Again. In December 2008, I had been blogging for just over one year. Here are some of the things I blogged about during this month two years ago:
On the second, I recommended that you Give Your Company A Good Name. It means a lot and can make a difference in whether your business succeeds or fails. I shared a little question and answer quiz to make my point. On the third I shared some photos from my garden of my Swiss Chard Harvest. On the sixth, I wrote about how being How Being a Packrat Costs You Money.
On the eighth, I shared My Snowman Collection. I admitted that while I'm a packrat, I'm really not much of a collector, and yet, I have this huge collection of snowmen on my desk at work. How did it all happen? You'll have to read the post to learn more.
On the ninth, I wrote about how Digital Cameras Make Photography an Affordable Hobby. I love taking photos and I love having a digital camera because you can take dozens of photos and then pick through and find the best one. That is if you can get the people you are photographing to stand still long enough to take several photos! People just don't realize it's a near impossibility to get a perfect photo with one shot. On the 11th I shared that I was the proud recipient of Two Monitors at Work. I'd been asking for a second monitor for years, and finally my request was approved. It has really helped my productivity at work and I'm still loving my two monitors. I can't believe it's been two whole years to tell you the truth! I kept on stumbling along at home with one monitor until a couple of months ago when I couldn't take it any longer and finally invested in a widescreen monitor. On the 20th, I wrote about Mr. A's “New” Business Truck and on the 23rd I asked Will The “New” Truck Be A Wise Investment? It turns out the new business truck has been a worthy investment of our money.
On the 26th I shared a recipe for Pear Crumb Cake. I altered the recipe slightly and was able to lower the calories per serving by almost 100. In spite of the alterations it was delicious and would be perfect for holiday brunch. On the 28th, I shared that AJ Got A Job and on the 29th I talked about the Target 90% Off sale that always happens at this time of the year. On the 30th, I wrote why we decided to Change Our Garbage Pickup Company and on the 31st I shared a picture of a Giant Lettuce that I harvested from my garden. This year I got my garden in very late and I have not been able to harvest anything yet. I really miss having fresh Swiss Chard and I refuse to buy it from the store. We had rain last week and that usually helps everything to grow exponentially so hopefully soon I will be picking my first harvest of the season.
I hope you've enjoyed this trip down memory lane!
For me it is new, since I never saw it before! It is almost a historical travelogue, your choices are interesting.