Blast from the Past July 2008

Hello and welcome to my monthly edition of Blast from the Past. Out of Debt again was 11 months old in July 2008.

Here we go:

On the first I wrote that Our Stimulus Check Arrived and shared what we'd be spending it on. On the second I gave an Electricity Update for June’s Usage. I was very pleased that the programmable thermostat had helped out us to save money. On the third I shared where I get my Free Address Labels.

On the fourth I wrote about My 2nd Snowflake and wished a Happy 4th of July to America.

On the seventh I shared my tip on how to Remove Wrinkles – Like Magic! and on the eighth I discussed my adrenal fatigue at length: How’s Your Energy Level? Adrenal Fatigue Explored.

On the eleventh, I asked Is It The Law of Attraction? Or Just Wishful Thinking? when Mr. A serendipitously found a piece of equipment he needed for his business at a fairly good discount.  On the fourteenth, I wrote about which method of spending is best for me and asked what is best for you, in Credit Card, Debit Card or Cash? On the fifteenth, I urged parents “Read to Your Children” and shared some of the favorite books I read to my own children when they were little.

On the sixteenth I acknowledged I needed to Cast The Beam Out of My Own Eye when I criticized my mother for renting a washing machine for so many years it would end up costing over $6400 dollars and admitted we were still paying PMI (private mortgage insurance).

Also on the twenty-first, I asked How Does Stumbleupon Work? and on the twenty-second was grateful for Little Victories and shared a few little things for which I was grateful.  On the twenty-third I wrote about Dollar Stores and on the twenty-fourth said “I Can’t Believe I’ve Done It Again” when I lost a check. In my search, I found two rebate checks so it worked out okay in the end since the customer replaced the check.

On the twenty-fourth I went on a little Spending Spree since things were easing up with Mr. A's business and on the twenty-eighth I said I’m Gold while bragging about myself for a database I'd created at work that made one of our yearly events much easier.  On the thirtieth I shared Breakdown of our Electricity Bill and on the thirty-first talked about my My Cheap -New- Computer.

Yours Truly,

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2 thoughts on “Blast from the Past July 2008

  1. Very interesting and fun to read these old posts! I am wondering…did you ever get rid of the PMI?


    Mrs. Accountability Reply:

    Hi Deedee! Glad you enjoyed my trip down memory lane. Unfortunately, we still have that stupid PMI! The mortgage company has to send in one of their people to do an assessment, which costs around $400, and I just haven’t gotten things cleaned up enough to feel comfortable in doing that. I know a guy that does assessments and when I asked his advice he said he would probably just pay the PMI if it was stressing me out so much. Then we started thinking we’d just refinance and we have to have the bank do an assessment so I kind of forgot about the PMI. Anyway, so that’s where we stand. Thank you for visiting and commenting!


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