February Gardening 2010

I haven't done a garden update in a while, even though my garden has been quietly growing throughout winter.

Unfortunately, the bed I planted in was underlaid with chicken wire over three years ago, so the gopher was able to make his way into the bed and was starting to eat my vegetables. I had to move everything from the invaded bed, into a bed that was underlaid only last year.  It took quite a while for the transplanted veggies to adjust and I was worried they weren't going to make it. But then we had several days of rain and that helped immensely. There is something about rain from the sky that vegetables just LOVE.

In this first bed, there is broccoli, Swiss Chard, beets, lettuce and carrots.  I didn't think the carrots and lettuce were going to make it until the rains came.

Swiss Chard, Beets, Broccoli, Lettuce and Carrots
Swiss Chard, Beets, Broccoli, Lettuce and Carrots

This next photo is my pea bed.

Mr. Big Peas

We are going to get a nice crop of peas this year, I told Mr. A we're going to get about a cup of peas this time! 🙂   Actually I think we'll get more, my teasing was a reference to the last time I grew peas in the garden and we got about one-half cup once the peas were shelled from the pods.

I am trying to gear myself up emotionally and physically to really get going in the garden for my spring crops which will be cucumbers, squash and green beans. I should also get some sunflowers in the garden, and a couple of months ago I bought some bulbs that probably should go into the ground soon.

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5 thoughts on “February Gardening 2010

  1. I wish we could have some success with our garden. Our home is on wooded property that is very shady. There’s only a small spot that gets decent sunshine. The soil isn’t very good and though we’ve tried using fresh soil and fertilizer, the reults weren’t very good. We did get a handful of tomatoes but the raccoons ate most of them before they were fully ripe!


    Mrs. Accountability Reply:

    SMT: I wonder, in that small spot that gets sunshine, could you do a raised bed? High enough so the raccoons couldn’t get the ‘maters? I am so bummed out about the stupid gopher(s) in my garden. I need to figure out some way to combat them! I hate to resort to poisons, because I don’t like putting bad things in the ground. Anyway, I hope you can figure out something for your garden to be more successful!


  2. ooohhhh your peas look SO MUCH BETTER than mine do!!!!!

    The plants have been beside themselves with plant joy after all that rain. 🙂


    Mrs. Accountability Reply:

    Hi Funny! Yes, they were SOOO happy! Not only that, but the Swiss Chard has gotten HUGE and the lettuce is finally growing after the transplanting. Hopefully the weather will stay nice for a few more weeks. I need to get busy thinking about what goes into the garden next! Thanks for visiting! 🙂


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