Make Money At Home Using Google – It’s a Scam!

I'm sure you are too savvy to be misled by the fake “make money at home ads using Google”.  Only $1.99 or $2.95 for your “free” kit and you too can be making hundreds and even thousands a month!

Click here to see what the screens are going to look like. Screen 1, Screen 2.

Something that I always watch for are typos and misspellings.  And do be sure to read the fine print!

At the bottom of screen 1, you can see in the fine print that the site isn't even affiliated with Google.


And on screen 2, several misspellings and improper word usage:

screenshot325The first sentence uses the word “it's” when it should be “its” – no apostrophe needed.  In the second paragraph's first sentence the word “opened” is misspelled as “openend”.

I actually for a moment thought, “Wow, I should check this out. I bet my little sister could do something like this.” But then my suspicious nature grabbed me by the shoulders and shook me until my head wobbled and I typed into Google “work from home using google hoax” and what should I find but a bunch of hits confirming my suspicions.

Just when I thought I could finally quit my job and retire.

Foiled again!

OUT OF DEBT AGAIN is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to AMAZON.COM. OUT OF DEBT AGAIN is an affiliate for several companies and may be compensated through advertising and marketing channels. This post may contain affiliate links.

3 thoughts on “Make Money At Home Using Google – It’s a Scam!

  1. rhen whats good way make money over computer?


    Mrs. Accountability Reply:

    Hi George, well I’m sorry to say I haven’t found the way to make money on the computer yet. Maybe someone else will chime in with what has worked for them. A lot of people get lucky and makes lots of money, but I’m not one of them. Thanks for visiting and commenting!


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