Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes, Thanks and Kudos

If you normally view my blog in a reader, I encourage you to come by and take a look at the renovations I've implemented today.

Special thanks to the wonderful community out there that exist to help bloggers, old and new alike to make their blogs do what they want them to.

Three Columns Instead of Two
I use Dan Rubin's Thisaway Green template which is normally two columns. But today I added a third column to my blog with many thanks to the fine crew over at Tips for New Bloggers for their tutorial Three Columns Thisaway Template II. Their tutorial was excellent and I was able to get through without a hitch.

Related Posts
I added related posts to my blog. You will not see related posts from the main blog page, you must click on an individual post to see them. But they are there, and I'm very pleased with this addition. I tried more than one tutorial, and a couple didn't do what I wanted, a couple just wouldn't work for me. I finally figured it out just by sheer luck with the information derived from these two sites: PurpleMoggy's Related Posts and Paul's Digital World Adding Related Posts to Post Footer.

Horizontal Navigation Bar with Images
Tips for New Bloggers is also credited with their tutorial Horizontal Menu and Navigation Bar, which you now see at the top of my blog. Yay! Those links at the side took up a lot of vertical space, and I'm loving the new images I created.

Top Commentators
I learned about Top Commentators from 15 Useful Widgets and Scripts for Blogger which led me over to Blogger Buster which had a form that could be used to create the widget. I had to refresh the page several times in order to use the form and in the meantime I found McMunny's site which helped me with the script. I couldn't get my name to stop showing up as the top commentator, and I was grateful that McMunny pointed out it wouldn't be correct to have myself showing there. Without his mention of that, I might not have realized. I was finally able to use the widget form at Blogger Buster though, and that helped a lot.

Bullets and Numbers Lists
I haven't incorporated this one yet, but I do plan to use it!!! Again from Tips for New Bloggers, it is their Numbered List and Bulleted List tutorial.

I hope you'll take the time to leave me a comment and let me know what you think about the new layout!

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4 thoughts on “Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes, Thanks and Kudos

  1. it looks good (esp. the 3 column), BUT I think the links at the top would look better with a smaller font and maybe the words green instead so that they match the color sceeme? I am not a site designer so maybe I dont know what Im talking about.



  2. @Mr. DebtBeater: Thanks! How’s it going!? Haven’t seen any new posts from you lately, hope you and yours are doing okay?

    @Mr. McMunny: You are quite welcome! Have a lovely day!


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