Category Archives: Tech Stuff

No More Spam

How I Cut My Spam Down to Almost None

It was brought to my attention a few weeks ago, by a friend of mine who is new to blogging, that Akismet is now charging for their product.   My friend had asked what I was doing to combat spam as her blog had recently been found by the spambots and she was being eaten alive.  I suggested Akismet, since it had been working well for me.  She wrote back and explained that she wasn't quite ready to start spending money… Read the rest

My Feed Was Broken and How I Fixed It

RSS Feed is an important thing for blogs.  It is an easy way for people to keep up with what is going on at the blog without having to physically go to the site each day.  Last weekend I did some remodeling at Out of Debt Again and as the days went by I noticed that my feed wasn't being delivered to a couple of blogs that include my site via RSS.  One of those sites is relatively new,  … Read the rest

Add New Account How To Use Quicken 2010 Series Part II

It is easy to add accounts to Quicken, and I will show you how to do it in this post which is Part II of my series How to Use Quicken 2010. Although it is easy once you know what you are doing, it is confusing due to the choices given by Quicken.  I will include screenshots to make it easier to follow my instructions. Step One.  Start up Quicken.  Go to File and select New Quicken File. Step Two.… Read the rest

How To Thoroughly Backup Your WordPress Blog

In this post I will show you how to backup the data which is your WordPress blog so that you will be able to restore in the event of your computer crashing, your server losing your blog, your blog randomly breaking or any other mishap that can occur. When my blog broke yesterday, there was no need for me to freak out because I was pretty sure I have all the bases covered when it comes to backing up my… Read the rest