I want one of these: Pioneer Woman's Calendar.
I don't want much and I don't want anything too expensive. But since we're supposed to be getting on a budget and tightening our belts, I realize items like this beautiful calendar are definitely a want vs. a need. After all, I've already purchased a calendar from Saver's for $1.99 for the coupons inside (“worth hundreds of dollars!”) and my husband's dentist had calendars at his office this past week. Last year I went to Microsoft Templates and printed out calendars that fit the whole year neatly onto one 8×11.5 page and that worked out just fine.
But because I'm on a budget and I'm tightening my belt, I'm going to pass on the calendar.
A want that I did decide to indulge this morning… I ordered pictures from the wedding, spending just over $13 for seven 5×7's ($5.54) and 43 regular sized photos ($9.14) plus shipping ($3.55) to send out with Christmas cards which I rarely do, but we just got married and I'd like to do a Christmas letter this year. I have Christmas cards from the year before last, purchased at Target's 90% off after Christmas sale.
Now if I could only find out who my Secret Santa is at work this year and see if I could get them to order the calendar for me! 🙂 Then I'd get something I want!