Category Archives: holidays

My Frugal Valentine’s Day Gift From My Husband

This year Mr. A gave me a fantastic frugal gift for Valentine's Day.  He set it up that he would be driving me in to work on Valentine's Day, which I love because then I can relax on my hour long drive to work and crochet instead of fighting traffic.  So that in itself was a gift.  🙂 He has been watching out for culled lumber from Home Depot and has collected OOPS paint over the last few months.   Then… Read the rest

Be Sure to Open All Your Christmas Cards

On Christmas Day I was cleaning out my closet.  No, I'm not a neat freak, it just so happened on Christmas Day I felt a little more energetic than usual and thought I would spend a little time organizing the shelves that Mr. A put in our bedroom last weekend.  I was organizing my yarn totes and going through the closet.  I came across a couple of small boxes with envelopes and mail and old bills.  Sometimes I can't decide… Read the rest

Christmas Memories – Please Share Yours!

Last Friday was our staff Christmas party and the ladies at my table got to talking about what Christmas was like in years past, as children and later on as parents.   We got around to the topic of the cost of Christmas and most of us grew up in rather poor households.  We all agreed that Christmas doesn't have to cost an arm and a leg in order to be enjoyable, even though it seems like parents spend far too… Read the rest
Jingle Bell Jar - Craft Idea

Great Homemade Christmas Gifts That You Can Make Yourself

When you're making homemade gifts, obviously you need to know the person fairly well or you might end up annoying them.   I would say typically frugal or older people would be more inclined to appreciate homemade gifts.  Moms especially tend to love homemade gifts, at least in our family.  🙂  My mom is always thrilled with my homemade gifts, she always has been, ever since I was a little girl.  It really warms my heart when one of my children… Read the rest