Gift Idea – Movie Basket with Candy and Popcorn

Yesterday was our annual staff Christmas potluck Secret Santa gift exchange party at my job. I pulled the CEO!

Serendipitously he and one of my coworkers were standing a doorway from my office and I could hear them talking about movies. He said his favorite movie of all time was Heaven's Gate
and he said it was always on television, oddly enough whenever he was just sitting there flipping through the channels he'd come to it and watch whatever was left of the movie.  I had been trying to figure out something to get him and hadn't come up with anything I really wanted to get him until that moment.

Right away I looked online for the movie, and found it at Amazon. He and my coworker continued to chat and I was hoping I'd heard him correctly, that he actually didn't own the movie.  After a few minutes, she said, “So you just pop that movie in whenever you can't find anything to watch on TV?” and he reiterated that he just happened to find it flipping through the channels.

After he walked away, I went right over to her office and asked her if I should get him that movie. She told me he already owned it. LOL!!  I went ahead and bought it anyway, and she said she would ask him next week just to be sure. It turns out that he does NOT own the movie, which of course I already knew.

We are supposed to spend at least $20 for our gift and since the movie was under $20 I wanted to include something else.  I thought about it for a few days, and ended up putting together a movie themed gift.

Movie Themed Gift

Movie Themed Basket

Here is the breakdown:

  • $15.81 for the movie
  • $7 for the candy: Whoppers, Jujyfruits, Milk Duds, Raisinets, Good & Plenty, Charleston Chews and Junior Mints
  • $3.50 10 mini packs of Orville Redenbacher microwave popcorn
  • $0.97 Popcorn salt
  • $2.00 Two ornament shaped bottles of Diet Coke (his favorite soda)
  • $1.50 Large bowl
  • $3.12 Four small bowls
  • $0.61 tax

Total $34.51.

Now I went significantly over the $20, but I think he will be able to enjoy the movie and the snacks (aside from the Diet Coke) several times. He said his wife loves the Good & Plenty.  So I did good.

Do you participate in Secret Santa gift giving?


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