Day 5 – $1600
I've joined Millionaire Mommy in a 30 Day Abundance Exercise.
One of the things I'm buying with my $1600 today will be a cream separator. We've been wanting one of these for as many years as we've had goats. Goat's milk is naturally homogenized and so it's not possible to extract much of the cream without a separator. This particular one I've had my eye on costs $415. Oh, and shipping is free. Nice.
I'm also going to go ahead and buy an electric butter churn. That's another $263.95. I'm assuming free shipping on this one as well.
It's time for me to buy new glasses – it's been over two years and my lenses are scratched. I'm very, very careful about my glasses but I bought the kind with magnetic clip-on sunglasses the last time and I'm sure that is what is scratching the lenses. I need trifocals but I prefer to wear progressives. The last time I bought a pair the cost was $300 after the doctor's visit, and the clip-on sunglasses.
If I were brave enough, and frugal enough, I could order glasses from Zenni Optical once I got my prescription from the optometrist. Zenni Optical boasts that they can produce prescription eyeglasses – frame and lenses – for $8.00. This is only for single vision lenses and the frames won't make a fashion statement. Progressive lenses would run $37. A friend of mine has tried this company and was satisfied with her $8.00 glasses. She wears contacts almost all the time but occasionally gives her eyes a rest and wants to wear eyeglasses while at home so she didn't really care what the frame looked like.
I still have $621.05 to spend. I'm buying my mom a nice laptop computer with a keyboard and mouse. Yes, I know laptops have their own keyboard and touchscreen I can't stand laptop keyboards and hate using a touchscreen over a mouse. She has a very ancient desktop computer, it uses Windows 95 and is difficult to get to since it's in a spare bedroom which is more like a storage room. I think the laptop will be easier for her, since it will be portable.
Gratitude: I'm grateful that my vision is corrected to 20/20 with glasses. I'm grateful that my teeth are in good condition.
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