Finds on Friday, May 9th

Fridays are my catch up days. I work Monday through Thursday and by Friday I'm eager to catch up on reading. Here are a few posts I enjoyed.

  1. Frugal Fabulous's Frugal Mother's Day Gift Ideas: These are some really great ideas and most moms are thrilled with handmade gifts. Katie is making her mom chocolate chip cookies, very sweet!
  2. Frugal Baby arrives! Frugal Babe honors us with her home birth story, congrats FB and hubby!
  3. Lucky Paid Twice got a free $5 gift card to Starbucks because her in-laws don't use coupons; I once got a free roll of paper towels by checking coupons trashed in a shopping cart in the parking lot.
  4. I learned about the Sharebuilder account at Be Thrifty Like Us where you can earn $45. I'll be signing up for this soon.
  5. CalGirlFinance's confession that she spends whatever she wants – and doesn't feel guilty about it, because she is mostly content with what she has, so she doesn't want a lot.
  6. I found out about SuperCook from Money Saving Mom. This is a neat sites that allows you to put in the ingredients you have on hand and it shows you recipes for the meals you can make with those ingredients. That should be a handy tool for folks with only a few ingredients on hand, or like one of MSM's readers commented, using up odd or leftover ingredients!
  7. My Dollar Plan is having a 6 month anniversary celebration and giving away a $50 Amazon Gift Certificate. All you have to do is answer one simple question and you might be the winner!
  8. And last but not least, this has nothing to do with personal finance, but you could win a free camera and printer. It's Pioneer Woman's Anniversary Week Giveaway. All you have to do is enter your website URL into the comments. The contest ends at 10pm Pacific Standard Time today, Friday the 9th of May. Rush over there and make a comment. It's a fantastic camera, and a printer, too!

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