September 2009 Gardening

My garden is still producing.  The watermelon plants have done wonderfully, and I was able to harvest a watermelon a couple of days ago. It is a Malali watermelon. So far this is the largest one, although I believe this variety is supposed to be 10-15 pounds. It came in just under 5 pounds, at 4 pounds 14 ounces. This grew on the netting I made, and I'd given it extra support with that netting that covers the frozen turkeys, but it broke loose and dropped off the vine.


I think it was about as ripe as it was going to get. I don't know if it is customary for this type of watermelon to have so many seeds, but I could plant a couple hundred baby watermelons with the seeds from just this one watermelon.

Malali Watermelon

I also harvested ten more Lavender Touch eggplants.

I've trimmed back my tomato plants. It looks like five of them survived the hot summer, and I am beginning to see new growth on them!  Hopefully they will produce another crop of tomatoes for me in the next couple of months.

I am still having to water every 48 hours. I am looking forward to less watering needing to be done as the weather cools.  And it is getting time to plant my fall/winter crops.  Most of my beds are I am waiting until it cools down just a little bit more. Last year I planted on September 6th, which was just too soon. It will still too hot and I feel my seedlings had a hard time in the heat.  If I were more energetic, I would start some indoors. Hmmm… maybe I should do that… I could start lettuce and Swiss Chard in my indoor seed cage.  I'll definitely be making use of my indoor seed cage in January to start tomato and eggplants, and maybe some peppers, too.

Yours Truly,

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3 thoughts on “September 2009 Gardening

  1. I love seeded watermelons much more than the seedless, but I have to agree those look like they contain more than their fair share of seeds! You are lucky to be able to plant during the winter. I am planning to try the Lavender Touch eggplant, it looks like a hardy producer.


  2. I love watermelon, how much space do they need? We have very little room in our garden and most melons need more space than I can give them. We just started our winter garden in seed pots last week, they are already ready to replant! I was trying to give the beds a rest first and I thought the seeds would take longer to sprout. Good luck with the garden.


    Mrs. Accountability Reply:

    Hi Miss M! That is the beauty of the netting I put together for my watermelon so that it could grow upright. It is in a bed that is one foot wide and about four feet long. I just helped the watermelon vines intertwine the netting as they grew and it has worked out great! What are you planting for the winter? On Sunday I worked a small area, about 2’x3′ and put in Swiss Chard, lettuce, green onions, beets and radishes. In two weeks I’ll put in another small area. Thanks for visiting and commenting! Don’t forget to enter my 2 year blogoversary contest!


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