A New Plan for Our Budget

It's been over a year since I have been trying to batten down the hatches here at Out of Debt Again. Meaning trying to get our family onto a budget.

It's hard when I'm the only one dealing with the money because I use Quicken and Excel spreadsheets. Mr. A doesn't really get into this money stuff and it feels like to me that we don't keep to our budget like I think we could or should.

So last week I decided to try another tactic. I taped a chart to the wall which shows our credit card debt, and another chart which lists the amounts of money we have to spend for groceries and gasoline. We are trying to stay on the budget for JUST ten days, from the 20th to the 30th.

Here's what it looks like so far:

I'll keep you posted on our progress. The bad thing is during this past week I've had these really uncontrollable urges to buy something, anything. This is NOT normal for me.


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3 thoughts on “A New Plan for Our Budget

  1. I have a notebook that looks like this for all of our bills. Unfortunately, I don’t do grocery money list like this because I have just realized my grocery spending is way out of whack.


  2. I hear you Amber, on the “way out of whack”. Too much and too much shopping!!! When I worked only three days a week I had one extra day to get the list together and shop. My energy level is so low I just can’t go without two days off each week or I’m just dragging all over the place. Thanks for visiting and commenting, Amber!!


  3. 10 days! That’s so smart. The first month we did our budget…wow…I thought I was going to go insane from the feelings of “lack” and “want” – it was pretty overwhelming. I think if we had done baby steps the way you are right now it would have been less painful.

    The urges are normal. You could buy some gum if it would make you feel better…anything under a dollar 🙂

    (I’m not trying to tell you what to do or anything LOL sorry if it sounded that way.)


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