Category Archives: Just Stuff

Harvest Your Health e-Bundle Only $37

I'm coming in on the tail end of this promotion but if you're here today or Monday, you still have time to get in on the fun! My affiliate partner Todd Dosenberry from Primal Toad has put together the Harvest Your Health e-bundle which includes 71 e-books for only $37. This is an extremely super deal – the retail value of these e-books if you were to buy them individually would be over $1000 but for a limited time only… Read the rest

One Day We Will Get Out of Debt

We have been struggling to get out of debt again since 2007. In February 2002 I was completely debt-free. I was successful in paying off $6,000 in credit card debt in just under five years plus I paid back a loan of $9,900 from my step-grandparents. They were kind enough to loan me the money to buy my mobile home when we lived in the big city.  I was a stay at home mom, living on welfare. We didn't have… Read the rest

6 Common Mistakes to Avoid with Annuities

Annuities are one of the most popular investments made by investors under 44 years of age. But young money-makers should consider the common mistakes others often make to ensure their investment pays off. 1. Selecting an Annuity Provider Rate Alone Image via Flickr by 401(k) 2013 It's important to find an annuity with a competitive rate, but this shouldn't be your own consideration. Independent ratings agencies can help you rank annuity providers on a range of important factors. Selecting one… Read the rest

Take Responsibility for Your Debt

Debt. What a stressful word that millions of people struggle with everyday. Truth is, it doesn't have to be this way. We can talk about why our economy is so bad and put blame on everyone but ourselves for the mounting bills and why they can't be paid. But the truth of the situation is that we control our destiny and finances. We have to hold ourselves accountable for living within our budget, no matter what it is. One of… Read the rest