How to Use Your Credit Score To Get Out of Debt

Debt is a reality that everyone faces at some point or another. Getting out of debt can be difficult. Using your credit score is one way to climb out of debt without negatively impacting your credit. This guide explains why credit scores are a way to get out of debt, how to actually do it, and ways to manage it. Good Credit and What Impacts a Credit Score Having a good credit score can get you into and out of… Read the rest

5 Ways Not to Succumb to Bad Debt Problems

Few things are more punishing, draining, and soul destroying than debt. Besides for the obvious financial burdens placed upon you, debt assumes a life force of its own. It gathers momentum when it sees that it’s getting the better of you, and quickly builds to apply additional pressures on your limited financial resources. While this oversimplification of debt may aggrandize it a little too much, it is true. Anyone who has ever been in debt understands exactly what it feels… Read the rest

5 Ways to Get Money Without Credit

Trying to get money without credit can be frustrating. But you should never be worried. Lack of credit is a common experience that does not mean one is helpless. It is possible to get money without credit, and here’s how: 1. Obtain a Peer to Peer Loan You can use a peer to peer website to get a personal loan from another individual. However, you will need to prove that you are trustworthy. As a borrower, you will be required… Read the rest

Diversifying Financial Portfolios to Guard Against Risk

One thing we all can agree on is that nobody likes to be in debt. The anxiety and uncertainty that debt-fueled behavior causes is simply not worth it. There are many ways to guard against debt, or at least to minimize the effects of debt. These include establishing a well thought out budget, minimizing extraneous expenses, or eliminating them entirely. Most of us are on fixed income streams, in the form of wages or a salary. While it is difficult… Read the rest