Category Archives: referrals-and-rewards

How Taxes Change After Divorce: Q & A

Divorce is never fun; add that to the mess of taxes and you get one big headache. If you’re trying to navigate the complex tax code and learn how it affects your recent divorce, we can help. You’re under enough stress as it is, so take advantage of these helpful pointers and lighten your load. Figuring out your finances needn’t be impossible; walk through these question and answers designed to give you a better picture on your tax situation. How… Read the rest

NuRide – Earn Points for Carpooling, Biking & Telecommuting

I was over at My Frugal Life and Dawn mentioned a post by Amanda over at My Dollar Plan – Ten Surprising Ways You Can Earn Cash.  I clicked through on number ten, but found that I can't participate since the NuRide, Inc. program isn't in my area yet.  But if you happen to live in one of these areas you might want to check it out: Connecticut Hampton Roads, VA Houston, TX New York metro New York + Conn.… Read the rest

Join AAA at 33% Savings

Have you been thinking about joining AAA? I knew there were discounts for having a Triple A membership, but the last time I looked they were for things like car rentals, hotel stays, or trips to Disneyland. Then I read on a personal finance blog not too long ago (sorry I can't remember who!) about some of the perks for being a member of AAA.  Not to mention the peace of mind it brings, I was surprised to see how… Read the rest

OODA – 2 Year Blogoversary Contest

I started Out of Debt Again on September 27th, 2007, so my two year anniversary is coming up soon! In celebration, I'm going to run a contest until midnight PST Sunday, September 27th, 2008. Prizes 1st Place: $25 Gift Certificate to Amazon 2nd Place: $10 cash via PayPal 3rd Place: The 4-Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferriss How to Enter and Earn 1 Entry Point Simply leave a comment to this blog post. Once you've left a comment, you may earn… Read the rest