Category Archives: Making Progress

Mr. A Graduated – Bank Secured Credit Card Becomes Unsecured

// // Last year, Mr. A and I went down to the bank and had him sign up for a bank secured credit card so he could start building credit in his name. He used cash only for many years and the credit bureaus didn't even know who he was when we tried to pull his credit scores. During sign up, we were told the secured funds would be held for one year, then the bank would assess how the… Read the rest

Save Money Getting Your DBA – Doing Business As

As you know, I live in the state of Arizona. An acquaintance of Mr. A's has been encouraging him to get a “DBA” and was even so kind as to print out an application he found on the Internet. “It's only $115, Mr. A and, and, it'll protect you!” Mr. A wondered what he would be protected from, and I wondered why he needed to have a DBA. As is his custom, he left it up to me to figure… Read the rest

Baby Steps Progress and Using the Cash System

I keep getting way behind on staying on top of our finances so last weekend I decided I was going to take 10-15 minutes every evening and enter receipts into Quicken. I've been sticking to my goal and I'm very glad because we've been having some issues with our checking accounts. We have been keeping $1000 in Mr. A's business account so when he starts a new job he'll have money to cover materials until the first payment is made.… Read the rest

Progress Report

Sometimes I don't think we're doing as good as we could, and start to feel down about our progress. Here are some things I concentrate on that keep me focused on the positive. Mr. Accountability has started to watch Dave Ramsey on television each evening. I haven't read his book, but PFers speak about him often. This can only be a good thing. Although thankfully we are both in agreement that we are not going to reduce our food consumption… Read the rest