Progress Report

Sometimes I don't think we're doing as good as we could, and start to feel down about our progress. Here are some things I concentrate on that keep me focused on the positive.

  1. Mr. Accountability has started to watch Dave Ramsey on television each evening. I haven't read his book, but PFers speak about him often. This can only be a good thing. Although thankfully we are both in agreement that we are not going to reduce our food consumption to only ramen noodles, macaroni and cheese and beans (as we heard him joking with one caller on the show last night). We are healthy and rarely go to the doctor, and you are what you eat, in more ways than one. That said, I do see some room for improvement in reducing our grocery/sundries bill.
  2. Last year at this time we were going in debt by approximately $1000 each month. But now that we are back on our feet, we're working to reduce the debt we incurred.
  3. In October, 2007, the last time I paid our automobile insurance for six months, I had to put it on the credit card. Now we're putting away 1/6th of that mandatory expense into savings since November, so that we'll have the money ready to pay when it's time.
  4. There are several other bills I'm paying ahead on. I feel very good about that.
  5. Slowly but surely we are making changes in our spending habits.
  6. I will move the two credit cards to one with 0% interest soon, which will save us almost $100 per month.
  7. I am getting back to my old habit (making it a priority again) of looking at our budget every weekend, instead of waiting four weeks or longer.
  8. We are making a concerted effort to decrease our electricity bill.

Some progress is better than none!

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