Category Archives: plan of action

Mortgage 101: What to Know before Signing

Buying a house is a major step for anyone who has begun the journey toward adulthood. When it comes time to consider your options in buying a home, the thought of obtaining a mortgage can be pretty overwhelming. If you are considering taking out a mortgage sometime soon in order to buy a home, then you probably need a small refresher course in the things to consider before applying for your mortgage. In this article, we will cover the very… Read the rest

4 Considerations Before Paying Off Your Mortgage

If you have reached a point in your life when paying off your mortgage early is an option, then congratulations. This means that you have built yourself a nice nest egg, you have paid off all of your other debts, and now you have enough extra cash to pay off your mortgage early. However, mortgages are actually quite tricky. You need to check all of your options before diving in headfirst to pay off your loan. In some cases, it… Read the rest

4 Straightforward Reasons You Should Think Deeply Before Filing for Bankruptcy

When people fall into serious financial problems, their minds don't waste time before running through the  different scenarios of bankruptcy. Many people dread filing bankruptcy because it looks like an admission of failure on your inability to manage your finances efficiently. However, filing bankruptcy is not inherently bad; in fact, bankruptcy might make sense in some instances. For example, people could end in a bad spot financially even they've not made irresponsible financial choices. A lawsuit, divorce, or sudden unemployment… Read the rest

How to Use Your Credit Score To Get Out of Debt

Debt is a reality that everyone faces at some point or another. Getting out of debt can be difficult. Using your credit score is one way to climb out of debt without negatively impacting your credit. This guide explains why credit scores are a way to get out of debt, how to actually do it, and ways to manage it. Good Credit and What Impacts a Credit Score Having a good credit score can get you into and out of… Read the rest