Hello all my readers, and welcome to my monthly issue called Blast from the Past where I take a walk down memory lane and review some posts from two years ago here at Out of Debt Again.
In November of 2008, Out of Debt Again was 14 months old. In November I wrote 21 posts. The most popular post for this month, bar none is the L. Frances Caramels – The BEST Caramels which is a review for these yummy caramels that I found at a Walgreens Drugstore. Since then I have had many comments from many other kindred spirits, all lovers of fine caramels.
On the 1st of November, 2008, I had a Busy Week where I updated about some car repairs and shared how Mr. A lost a bid for some work in a building with asbestos. On the 4th I reported Some Success on eBay and on the 5th Temporary Relief in the Gas Tank and shared that gasoline had dropped from $3.99 a gallon down to $2.34. When one of your businesses involves driving all over the place, it can be a huge money saver when the prices of gas stay at a reasonable price. On the 22nd I shared that Gas Prices Are Dropping and why I like QT.
On the 7th I got my Twitter account and shared pictures from my garden in Garden Gleanings on the 8th. Oh my gosh. Look at those vegetables! I am ashamed of myself for this year I don't even have my garden in yet! I do have several containers of baby plants sitting on the dryer which I hope to have safely planted in the garden by the end of this weekend. On the 15th I confessed I’ve Always Loved Gardening and on the 19th was thrilled to see Babies in the Garden and on the 23rd shared The Life of a Gardener.
On the 9th I was Featured on MSN! with my post Weed Soup and also showed a new way to Hard Cook (Not Boil) Eggs. On the 10th I was annoyed because My Computer Lost $75 and on the 11th I shared my Amazon Jackpot in the Mail. Suffice it to say I open every envelope now.
On the 12th I discussed Using Too Many Rebate Companies, had an Electricity Update for November and was told “You Might Have Paid $20 For Those $60 Shoes” by a young man who obviously never looks at his receipts. Believe me, if I'd have paid $60 for shoes I would have known. Especially since I paid with cash on that particular visit!
On the 20th I shared my recipe for making Turkey Soup from Your Thanksgiving Turkey and raved about L. Frances Caramels – The BEST Caramels one of my most popular posts at this blog. On the 28th I talked about Black Friday 2008.
Well, that's it for November 2008. If you are new here it's a good way to see the highlights for the month as I don't mention every single post.