I hope you had a wonderful day today. We had a very relaxing day spending time together cooking and playing Wii games. I opened a present that I'd received by snail mail from one of my good blogging buddies, thank you my friend, you know who you are.
I did some blog maintenance today. When my blog was moved over from Blogger the tags converted automatically to categories. I changed them to tags, and a few days ago I realized I would rather use categories here, so I figured out how to do that. Very easy, I just went to Tools > Import and used the tool that converts categories to tags and vice versa. I added categories to the top of my blog today, and I also moved some categories to sub-categories. For example, if you place your cursor over the category named “Money” you will see several more sub-categories drop down to choose from. I hope it helps to make my site easier to navigate.
How was your day today?
Yours Truly,