Pumpkin Pie Ice Cream Recipe

This recipe includes four simple ingredients: butternut squash (you can use pumpkin or any variety of winter squash), honey, cream, whole milk and honey.

Yesterday on the way home from church, I noticed several establishments were offering some form of pumpkin “dessert”. Pumpkin Pie Blizzard from DQ, Dreyer's Limited Edition Pumpkin, but I held steady and didn't buy any.

I thought what I ought to do is make my own when I get home!  I wondered if we had any canned pumpkin, and then I remembered I had these beauties:

Butternut Squash

Did you know that a good deal of canned pumpkin is actually butternut squash? My mom accidentally grew these beautiful butternut squash this year when she threw the seeds into her backyard for her hens to eat.  The plants came up in an area that had morning sun but full shade from about 10am on, and she has harvested eight squash from the plant.

Anyway, I decided it would serve my purposes perfectly.

First I peeled, seeded and cubed the squash. Oops, these are the leftovers, which will go to our chickens.  I will probably save some seeds to try and grow butternut squash next spring.

Butternut Squash Guts

If it had been earlier in the day, I would have baked the butternut squash in the oven.  Then I would have been able to harvest more flesh from the skin. As it was I'd just gotten home from church around 2:30pm, so I decided to steam it until I could easily pierce it with a fork. I allowed it to cool down for about 15 minutes.

Cubed, steamed butternut squash

Then I mashed it into the measuring cups.

Measured Butternut Squash

Next I dumped the butternut squash into the tall glass that came with our stick blender, and blended the squash until it was smooth.

Chunks of Butternut Squash

Smooth Butternut Squash

Finally, I added the remaining ingredients: 1/2 cup honey, 1 t. pumpkin pie spice, 1/2 cup cream and 1/2 cup whole milk. Blend until smooth. It tasted delicious at this point. Mmmmmmm…

Blended ingredients

Next I put it into a ziploc bag, and into the freezer so it could get cold. It was still a little warm from the squash and would have taken forever to chill Donvier Ice Cream Maker. Once it was very cold, I emptied the mixture into the ice cream maker, and started to stir it.  I was surprised that it set up very quickly, in about ten minutes.

Pumpkin Pie Ice Cream in Donvier

Pumpkin Pie Ice Cream

It was DELICIOUS!!  It had a creamy mouth feel, and was so yummy. My son said it tasted exactly like pumpkin pie chilled into ice cream.

Another idea for this recipe would be to put the mixture into a ziploc bag, lay flat on a shelf in the freezer and let it freeze solid.  Once done, break into chunks, drop into the blender with more milk and turn it into a delicious shake!

And did you know about this awesome recipe calculator over at About.com?  I put the ingredients into the recipe calculator and it figured out the calories and everything! I figured that it would serve five – 1/2 cup servings. And the best part is, I know all that went into my ice cream! No corn syrup, maltodextrin, cellulose gum, mono and diglycerides, citric acid, Yellow #6, guar gum, carrageenan, dextrose, vitamin A palmitate, like in some other name brands.

Pumpkin Ice Cream Nutritional Values

You can also download this recipe in PDF by clicking this link.

Pumpkin Pie Ice Cream Recipe

Makes 5 servings (1/2 cup servings)

Pumpkin Pie Ice Cream made with butternut squash!


  • 1 1/3 cup butternut squash
  • 1/2 cup honey
  • 1 t. pumpkin pie spice
  • 1/2 cup cream
  • 1/2 cup whole milk


  1. Cube and steam butternut squash until easily pierced with a fork.
  2. Allow squash to cool, then blend until smooth. Add remaining ingredients, blend until mixed thoroughly.
  3. Chill until very cold. Pour into ice cream maker and stir until thick. I use the Donvier ice cream maker and this was nice and thick within ten minutes. Delicious!

I actually think the next time I might drop the honey to 1/3 cup, and add 1/2 teaspoon of my homemade vanilla.  It tasted delicious, but I think it could be a might less sweet.

Please let me know if you try this recipe!  The Donvier Ice Cream Maker holds one quart so you could easily double this recipe.

This post was included at the Make it from Scratch! Carnival hosted at the Make it from Scratch! blog homeThank you Stephanie for including my post!

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