Our Taxes Are in the Mail Today

Whew. What a relief to FINALLY have them done, and on their way. I am still a little bit nervous that I have not gotten everything, but I have done my very best. I never did find an accountant, darn it! I am going to keep that on my list of things to do for the businesses. I really hope this coming year I will have our taxes done early, like in February!!  And then I can sit on them a few weeks to make sure I have included all deductions.

I am planning to send my taxes by certified mail, so I'll have proof that they were sent.  That's the last thing I need is to have our income tax paperwork lost. Although I did make a copy, and have everything neatly filed away in a notebook binder. I know, I know, I should have just printed to PDF and burned to a CD, but I already had them printed out.

Did you file an extension this year? Are you ready to send your taxes in?

Yours Truly,

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3 thoughts on “Our Taxes Are in the Mail Today

  1. One year I did file and extension and it was just too stressful for me to know that I was filing late. I’m one of those people who hate being late with anything. So, every year I make a point to file in February or March. I’m not ready as of yet for next year (it’s still 5 month’s away), but I will be.

    -Little House


    Mrs. Accountability Reply:

    Little House: I can totally relate! I can’t remember ever filing an extension prior to this, in my entire life. In 2006, I filed right on the day, so many things went wrong that day I swore I’d NEVER wait until the very last day. I plan to be ready to file on time in April 2010. Thanks for stopping by and commenting! 🙂


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