OODA – 1 Year Blogoversary Contest

I started Out of Debt Again on September 27th, 2007, so my one year anniversary is coming up soon!

In celebration, I'm going to run a contest until midnight PST Saturday, September 27th, 2008.

The winners will be notified by email.*


1st Place: $25 Gift Certificate to Amazon
2nd Place: $15 Gift Certificate to CafePress
3rd Place: $10 cash via Revolution Money Exchange

How to Win

It's simple to enter. You will be entered and earn one point simply by commenting to this blog post. I'll put your name down on my list for one point. You can earn more chances for winning by these methods.

Ways to Earn Extra Points

  1. Subscribe via Feedburner (3 entry points)
  2. Post about this contest on your blog; let me know you've done that by post a comment to this post and include the URL to the post (5 entry points)
  3. Add me to the blogroll on your site (6 entry points)

Additional Information: 1) Please let me know you have subscribed to Feedburner in the comments section so I can give you the additional entries , or 2) If you are already subscribed via Feedburner, just let me know that in your comment, 3) If you add me to your blogroll, leave me a comment and link your blog site so I can verify that I'm listed, 4) If you don't have Revolution Money Exchange, you will still be awarded $10 via PayPal, 5) Winners will be contacted by email (please do not leave your email address in the comments area – see special information regarding email below), 6) Prizes will be held until October 4th; if they aren't claimed, new winners will be picked (if I don't have a valid email address I will wait until 10-4 to choose new winners, 7) I reserve the right to reject posts that I consider spam.

*SPECIAL INFORMATION REGARDING EMAIL: When you leave me a comment, Blogger sends me an email and lets me know – this is how I will know your email address to notify you in most instances.

ADDENDUM: It was brought to my attention that some users are unable to make a comment; if you had that problem before, please try again as I have changed a setting within Blogger.

Yours Truly,

This contest announced at Online-Sweepstakes.com, Contest Blogger, About.com's Blog Contest Forum, Submit Your Contest, Contest Beat, Contest Canada and RevieWow.

OUT OF DEBT AGAIN is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to AMAZON.COM. OUT OF DEBT AGAIN is an affiliate for several companies and may be compensated through advertising and marketing channels. This post may contain affiliate links.

235 thoughts on “OODA – 1 Year Blogoversary Contest

  1. GoliathDebtor, Sheila, and Lee: Thanks for entering my contest! I am looking forward to awarding someone with the prizes! GoliathDebtor, you have *12* entry points since you include me on your blogroll. Sheila, it’s a pleasure to meet one of my subscribers! Thank you for being so faithful! You’re down for four points, since you are subscribed to my feed and you commented. And Lee, you are down for four entry points, too.

    I don’t think I’m going to have time to personally thank everyone, so thank you in advance to everyone who enters my contest! 🙂


  2. Congrats on a year of blogging! I always think I’m going to start back and can never get myself in the grind – so yeah for you!!! Awesome prizes b/c amazon has EVERYTHING!!


  3. I’m in too! I have done the following things to qualify for the draw:

    1) Comment on this post – 1 entry
    2) Subscribed and verified my subscription – email is thecontestblogger(at)hotmail – 3 entries
    3) Blog about this contest and link back – http://thecontestblogger.com/2008/09/24/out-of-debt-again-1-year-blogoversary-contest/ – 5 entries
    4) Add you to my blogroll – 6 entries

    Thanks for the contest, good luck everyone 🙂


  4. Just finished reading through your archives. Congrats on the one year “blogoversary”.

    Having folks add you to their blogroll is a great idea for increasing traffic.

    One of these days I’ll get around to having a contest or entering carnivals.


  5. Hi! Happy Anniversary!

    I subscribed to your feed and blogrolled you (it’s under Random Threads on my sidebar).

    You can contact me on my About page (if I’m lucky!). Thanks!


  6. I subscribed to your feed. I am also trying to get to 100 subscribers. I had my highest number of subscribers ever, yesterday which was 93.

    I hope you get way more than 100 subscribers. You have a great blog.


  7. You have some really interesting stuff on your site. My DH and I mounted up debt when we were running our own business. We got out of debt by doing the balance transfers and religiously paying more than the balance due. Now we only have our mortgages and car payment, plus the regular bills. How come your land line bill is $60? We have just basic service — no caller id or any of that other stuff and we don’t do a lot of long distance calling, and it’s nowhere near that high.


  8. Just linking over to you from another site, and glad I’ve found you! :~)
    I have added you to my yahoo feed. Thanks and a very Happy Bloggy Anniversary!!



  9. Congrats on a great first year – you’re really helping a lot of people with your site and blog, especially during these unprecedented hard times — thanks!


  10. Congratulations on your one year blogoversary! May you have many more!!!
    Thank you for hosting this giveaway! It is very generous of you!!! Wishing you continued success!


  11. Pingback: Carnival Today!

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