The Eight Little Pigs – Festival of Frugality #130

Welcome to the 130th Edition of the Festival of Frugality!

Thanks to the Festival of Frugality allowing me the honor of hosting here at Out of Debt Again.

Oh my goodness, there are so many great posts this week! Thank you to everyone who submitted. I loved reading through all the entries but narrowed these down for my editor's picks.

  • To Be Debt Free presents CVS Extra Care Bucks. I'm kind of in the same boat as To Be Debt Free – confused and as a result overlooking the CVS posts on other blogs, especially since I figured I couldn't participate since I don't need to buy diapers or baby items, don't use commercial deodorants, shampoos, etc. But before the conference I stopped by CVS to buy some knee-high nylons and found that the brand toilet paper I always buy was on sale, and got a great deal on laundry detergent. I started realizing I do buy some items that I could get from CVS; maybe I should eliminate my sundries shopping from Walmart, and see what I can do at CVS. A timely and simple introductory post by To Be Debt Free.

  • Money and Fitness Blog figures out if Shopping at Warehouse Clubs is Worth the Membership Fee. Mr. A's Costco membership recently expired. I still have mine because my employer pays for it. We were wondering if it was really worth it to renew Mr. A's Costco card. This was a timely post with some good answers.

  • BeThisWay really sticks to her guns from Are You Going to Be This Way The Rest of the Time I Know You in Free Isn't Really Free, A Story of Mendacious Marketers. I just loved this post from BeThisWay standing her ground and not getting sucked into this telemarketing deal her hubby asked her to check into.

  • SavingAdvice socked away $100,000 in 9 years and tells us about it in How I Lived in Million Dollar Homes for Free. The thought of doing this is pretty amazing. I could never do it, but what a great idea for younger people with few ties.

  • Squawkfox tells how women can save potentially $4200 over 35 years with 10 Reasons The Diva Cup Can Change Your Life. I have been a fan of this extremely frugal and green monthly feminine product for over a decade and Fox gives us a great overview.
  • Faron Benoit from Financial Learn shares 15 Cheap Romantic Date Ideas. I really liked all these inexpensive little ideas for spending romantic time with your honey. Mr. A and I are technically newlyweds but get so bogged down in daily life. I'm going to keep this list handy and try a few.
  • The Happy Rock presents Free Workout Program – 100 Push Up Challenge. I'm always looking for ways to incorporate exercise easily, and when it's free, that's even better! I gotta admit while reading this post (since I don't know if I could even do ONE push up!) I was intrigued by the Happy Rock's reference to replacing one's chair with a ball. Hmmm… could do that at home and maybe get some additional exercise in without thinking too much about it.
  • Grey from Frugal Fu presents The Fashion Debate: Could you (or should you) look good for less? Grey says, “…after some trial and error, I learned to find styles of clothing that were flattering to my body shape. And for once, I felt beautiful.” Amen, sister! I too discovered the knack for finding the right clothes, it's important for women of all sizes to find the style that looks great.

I always enjoyed playing This Little Piggy with my children and their toes. Here is my rendition for the Festival of Frugality.

This little piggy went to market…

This little piggy stayed home…

This little piggy had tips for frugal summer fun…

This little piggy was into personal finance…

This little piggy shared a secret…

This little piggy wasn't a gas hog…

This little piggy shared some frugal tips…

This little piggy was a frugal geek…

This little piggy cried wee, wee, wee, wee, all the way home…

OOPS! That was actually NINE LITTLE PIGGIES! Next week (June 24th) the Festival travels to Broke Grad Student, so get your entries in. Thank you everyone for joining in and visiting the 130th Festival of Frugality!

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20 thoughts on “The Eight Little Pigs – Festival of Frugality #130

  1. Cute theme! Thanks for your hard work organizing the festival this week. I appreciate you including my thoughts on Frugality and Multi-Tasking. Sincerely, Amanda


  2. Thanks for hosting, your theme had me giggling on an otherwise dismal morning! (Also, thank you for the pick!) I really enjoy your blog and will be suscribing.

    (Edited for grammar. Oops.)


  3. With these great tips, we can all go wee, wee, wee, all the way to the bank!

    Thanks for including my post!
    ~ Christina
    aka Northern Cheapskate


  4. Here’s a site you can add to the list. It lets you search for local deals on, and Passport Unlimited easier. Just type in a search term (e.g. Sushi) and a location (e.g. Seattle) and check out the results. The places with green icons have deals.


  5. Thank you everyone who commented and you’re welcome to all! I had so much fun hosting the carnival; it is a great way to meet new bloggers! Thanks again!


  6. Pingback: Carnivals Today!

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