Mother’s Day is Coming!

Oh my goodness, it's only four days away!

Everyone has a mother, and all mothers love to be noticed on Mother's Day. What will you get your mother for Mother's Day?

I began a tradition a couple of years ago and that was to send a Mother's Day card not only to my mother and mother-in-law, but also to each of my four sisters. I also pick out cards for my children to send their grandmothers.

With the exorbitant price of cards available at the stores, you probably think I went into debt over this little venture, but I didn't.

I discovered that many dollar stores carry really pretty cards for $0.50 each. So for about $1.00 (when you figure in tax and the postage stamp) each, I can send a card with a little note inside and make moms in my family feel special.

I considered sending e-cards, but most of the moms in my family aren't on the Internet. And frankly, most of them feel very special when they get an actual card in the mail. Especially the moms that are in the generations prior to mine. If I had any grandmothers alive yet, they would receive a card as well.

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