A Great Deal on Business Cards

This past week I ordered 250 business cards and paid ~$9.67 for them. I've been working for the same company since 2001. I've never had my own business cards, for a couple of reasons. 1) I don't seem to have much need for them 2) The agency for which I work is a non-profit and we are always running low on funds.

In an uncharacteristic turn of events, my request to go to a financial conference being held in town was approved. I would like to have business cards on hand for the purpose of networking. We are attempting to move our manual bookkeeping to electronic, and I am hoping to network with other folks working with this software.

We have a standardized version of our company business cards, but they are pretty expensive.

I decided to go with my favorite place to get business cards, VistaPrint. If you belong to MyPoints.com you can earn 300 points by shopping at VistaPrint. If you are planning to join MyPoints, leave a comment or email me to let me know and I will send you an invitation to join. You'll make 125 points for joining, and I'll make 100 points.

I've ordered business cards for my side businesses from VistaPrint in the past, so I know what to expect when I get there, which I'll share with you.

On the left hand side you'll see the header Free Products. Put your mouse over that heading and a drop down menu will pop up. Slide your mouse cursor over and click on Free Business Cards. You'll be taken to a page which will allow you to choose your business card design. Last week when I signed up, there were 50 designs to choose from. Today there is 100! You can change the color scheme on some of the cards. If you enlarge the next image you can see where you'll be entering your personal information, and where to select your design.

I like this design, and you can change the color theme on it, too.

Here's the default color, Parsley:

Here are some other choices. This one is Watermelon:

This one is Luxury:
This one is Eggplant:
I actually go through and choose my business card first, then I fill in the personal information. You don't have to use the lines as they are labeled. For example, if you wanted to put your phone number on Address Line 2, you can do that. Just enter the data, and see how it looks on the card. You can select a new business card and your personal information will remain.

After you finish there, put in your initials and click Next.

At the next screen, stay with 250, don't go for the 500 cards. Say Yes to the discounts and offers by mail. You want to get these. You'll get frequent emails with offers for things like 250 free cards, plus bonus glossy coat. Sometimes they'll offer 25 business card magnets for one penny, and other great offers. Click next.

Choose Slow for your shipping method. As you'll notice they say it will take 21 days, and will cost you $5.68. I have ordered business cards at least five times from VistaPrint, have always chosen the “Slow” shipping method and my cards always arrive within 7-10 days. Standard shipping costs almost double $9.68 with a guarantee your cards will arrive within 14 days. Priority is $13.38 and guarantees 7 day shipping.

I would choose Slow. I also make sure I don't need them within 2 days.

Next are your printing options. You don't need the “unique foil finish”. Just click “No thanks.” Click Next.

Stay with Matte Finish. Click Next.

Now you'll be choosing your backside options. I would recommend choosing the second option, the blank backside. It's not really professional to have VistaPrint's advertisement on the backside. The advertising is light grey and discreet, but still I don't think being cheap at this point says much for your professionalism. It costs you $3.99 to have the backside blank. Click next.

Don't fall for the Matching Documents. Click Next.

Don't buy any accessories. Click Next.

Do not choose to “create your own website within minutes”. Click Next.

Do not select any partner offers. Click Next.

Now you'll be putting your shipping information, billing information, payment information and finally your order confirmation.

You must be willing to compromise just a bit in order to get the best deal. You won't be able to include your company logo, or change the font style or size, etc.

When I mentioned to one of my coworkers that I had finally ordered myself business cards, she asked which format I'd used. I told her I'd ordered from VistaPrint. She is a person who is extremely concerned with appearances, and when she found out I wasn't using the same format as our “official” cards, and hadn't uploaded the logo, she told me this was very unprofessional.

Well, what I want to know is who cares? Is it REALLY considered unprofessional to not include your company logo on a business card? Who at this conference is going to know we even include a logo on our business cards in the first place? It's not like I'm going to show them one of her cards and then offer them one of mine and apologize for the lack of logo.

I'm pleased with the cards I've ordered. I hope you will find VistaPrint as handy as I have.

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